Category: Science Fiction
Blade Runner: 2049 review
Blade Runner 2049 was almost an awesome movie. It was a worthy sequel that felt “right”, like settling in after a long break (of actual decades — in both real and movie time) to catch up on old events. Even the new characters seemed to carry echoes of previous incarnations. Hans Zimmer created a track…
Movie Review – Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol 2
There are two reviews here; Dan’s and Jill’s, enjoy! Dan says: The first GotG is, I think, the very best of the Marvel movies. While GotGv2 isn’t quite as good, it certainly didn’t disappoint. The theme of the story (father/son reunion) isn’t anything new, but writer/director James Gunn weaves a thread into the story that…
Movie Review – Life
I don’t even know how to rate this one. For the record, I absolutely hated it. I’m even the target audience, according to the trailers, as I LOVE science fiction and space movies. However, you should all know this is a straight body horror film, with gristly, gruesome, and horrific scenes occurring frequently once the…
Movie Review – The LEGO Batman Movie – One of the BEST Batman films, ever
I liked this better than the original Lego Movie – this one is skewed a little more sophisticated for the grownups – but still has lots of color and spectacle for the kiddos. It’s a very charming film, with a surprisingly good storyline. Things move quickly, and there is a lot to see, making you…
Movie Review – 10 Cloverfield Lane
10 Cloverfield Lane is an excellent movie. The only reason I’m not giving it an A is that it isn’t the kind of movie I’d want to see again. The main thing that makes the movie enjoyable is that you don’t know where it’s going. That said, I can’t say Cloverfield Lane is like “movie…
Movie Review – Arrival
I think Arrival is the best science fiction movie in years. Personally, I would have to go back to Edge of Tomorrow to find one almost as good. Not that these two movies are remotely alike. Arrival is more related to Contact — with Jodi Foster. Invasion of the Linguists What sets Arrival apart from most…
Movie Review – Star Trek Beyond
I’m a big ST fan. I’ve watched all the TV series and all the movies. So I’m going to come at this review as a fan, not a casual moviegoer. All of three Abrams’ Star Trek movies have been well received by the critics and audience, so we can at least say that we’ve…
Movie Review – Deadpool
Grade: A Not only is Deadpool a hilarious movie, it also works as an amazingly accurate barometer for gauging relationships. For instance, it can be scientifically proven that the number of times a married man laughs during this movie is inversely proportional to how much their mother-in-law likes them. Conversely, married women will find that…
Star Wars: The Force Awakens movie review
Grade: A- I can safely say that SW:TFA is the 3rd best Star Wars movie in the franchise. And let’s be clear, it would take a miracle for JJ Abrams to create something better than New Hope or Empire Strikes Back. This is easily the funniest movie in the franchise. Almost, but not every, funny…
Movie Review – The Martian
Matt Damon is at the top of his game. It’s an enormous challenge to ask an actor to spend so much of the movie acting in a vacuum (no pun intended), with few opportunities to interact with other characters. Matt’s charm and charisma make every scene he’s in shine. Some critics commented that this movie…