Category: -genres
Non-Christmas Christmas Movies – Riders Of Justice/Retfærdighedens Ryttere (2020)
Sometimes you review a film because it’s just being released. Another time you’ll review a film because it’s part of a season or a theme. And then there’ll be times when you want to review a film for other reasons. Riders Of Justice or Retfærdighedens Ryttere falls into the latter category. I have to admit…
Movie Review – The Tragedy Of Macbeth (2021)
I don’t think there is anyone out there who is unaware of William Shakespeare. You might not have actually been to a theatre to see a production but, paradoxically, that isn’t the only place to see Shakespeare’s words being performed. I don’t think it’s over pushing the point to say that most people haven’t necessarily…
Holy bladder-bursters Batman, your new film is almost 3 hours long
The Batman, starring Robert Pattinson as Batman, is set to open in theaters on March 4th, 2020. Brace yourself, because the movie runtime is reported to be two hours and fifty-five minutes (175 min), with the last eight minutes being the credits. It’s currently unknown if there is an extra scene during, or after, the end…
Is there anything extra during the end credits of Redeeming Love?
There are extras during the end credits of Redeeming Love. There’s a couple of memorial tributes after the first 2 minutes, as well as a number to call for abused women. Nothing else after that. The credits run for approximately 8 minutes. [/wbcr_text_snippet] Read the RunPee movie review for Redeeming Love by Jill Florio. Movie review grade: A We…
Movie Review – Redeeming Love
I went into this thinking it would just be work and that I’d watch Spider-Man: No Way Home again afterward for my reward. To my great surprise and pleasure, Redeeming Love is a wonderful film about the Wild West, the Gold Rush, and women’s agency. It’s never boring, the characters are well-drawn and acted, the costumes are perfection,…
Indie Movie Review – Confession (2022)
I did have to check my CV to make sure that I hadn’t, somehow, ended up as the publicist for Stephen Moyer! It only seemed five minutes ago that I was watching him in Krays: Code Of Silence and here he is again in Confession! Fortunately, as with his turn as Nipper Reed, watching him…
Star-Wars: A Movie Journey from Primitive Technological Si-Fi to the Contemporary Genre
Image Credits The brainchild of George Lucas and perhaps one of his finest achievements, The Star Wars media franchise is a grand space opera of epic proportions. From its humble beginnings to larger-than-life influence, there is no doubt that the saga exerts an intense and overwhelming impact on pop culture. The films alone by themselves…
Indie Movie Review – First Date (2021)
You always have to take how the studios describe their new releases with a pinch of salt. Let’s face it, they do have a dog in the fight and want to see it do well. Sometimes they try and claim a link to greatness; written by Robert De Niro’s gardener for instance. Other times they’ll…
Bruce Willis for rent: CHEAP
Bruce Willis is scheduled to be in TEN movies coming out 2022, and none of them are in the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe). I’d love to know why he is making so many movies of dubious quality: bills to pay, lost a bet, trying to increase his IMDb Filmography score? Why Bruce? Why? And it’s…
Indie Movie Review – An Exquisite Meal
Talk about going in cold! Usually there is a bit of blurb or a summary on IMDb to get an idea of what I’m about to see. But, for An Exquisite Meal, this time there was nothing other than the genre boxes which said “Comedy” and “Thriller”. As the running time is only an hour…