Category: -genres
Is there anything extra during the end credits of Death on the Nile?
There is nothing extra during, or after, the end credits of Death on the Nile. The credits run for approximately 7 minutes. [/wbcr_text_snippet] Read the RunPee movie review for Death on the Nile by Jill Florio. Movie review grade: C+ We have 3 Peetimes for Death on the Nile. Learn more. About The Peetimes Update: I’ve got 3 Peetimes up, nicely spaced.…
RunPee British Biography Hub
With a lot of encouragement and advice from RunPee C.O.O. Jill I’ve been doing occasional biographical articles about British talent and what they bring to the big — nay — huge blockbuster franchises. It’s one of those mysteries lost in the depths of time…how did this actually start? My recollection is that I saw somewhere…
Indie Movie Review – Bite Me (2019)
So…yet another vampire film. Whenever you think of a vampire film you automatically start thinking of garlic, holy water, stakes, and factor five hundred sunscreen. Let’s just throw it in the “horror” bin and see what comes up next. But wait a minute…Bite Me isn’t really a horror film. Other than the fact there…
Is there anything extra during the end credits of Moonfall?
There is nothing extra during, or after, the end credits of Moonfall. The credits run for approximately 8 minutes. [/wbcr_text_snippet] Read the RunPee movie review for Moonfall by Christene Johnson. Movie review grade: C+ We have 2 Peetimes for Moonfall. Learn more. About The Peetimes Both Peetimes will work, one was easy to sum up and the second was mostly action-based. Rated:…
Movie Review – Moonfall
Moonfall has all the makings of a great disaster movie. Earth’s population in danger, check. A down and out hero, check. The required uptight military personnel and the comedic relief, check. Even with all these key ingredients I still don’t feel like it stacks up to a movie like Armageddon. It was fun and…
Is there anything extra during the end credits of Jackass Forever?
There are extras during the end credits of Jackass Forever. During the entire runtime of the credits they show extra scenes and outtakes. At my AMC Theater after the credits were completely over, they showed a group discussion/interview with the entire cast. It was almost 10 minutes long. The credits run for approximately 9 minutes. [/wbcr_text_snippet] Read…
Movie Review – Jackass Forever
Dear Lord, I didn’t know I could laugh so hard. From the opening scene to the end credits I laughed, then laughed more. They pulled all the stops in Jackass Forever. I’m giving this an A for sure. They had one goal in mind and that was to make us go ouch and laugh and…
Movie Review – The King’s Daughter
Adorable, charming, lush, great storytelling. I was super surprised at the loving care shown to detail in this little movie. The King’s Daughter was incredibly good-natured. I found myself smiling the whole way through; a rarity. That’s when I realized this might be A+ territory. Pierce Brosnan (as the Sun King, Louis XIV himself) has never been…
Is there anything extra during the end credits of The Tiger Rising?
There is nothing extra during, or after, the end credits of The Tiger Rising. The credits run for approximately 5 minutes. [/wbcr_text_snippet] Read the RunPee movie review for The Tiger Rising by Christene Johnson. Movie review grade: A We have 1 Peetimes for The Tiger Rising. Learn more. About The Peetimes There are so many metaphoric scenes and substories that trying to…