Category: -genres
Movie Rewatch Review – Ant Man
I really used to like the original Ant Man. I thought it was underrated, charming, funny, and a lighter take on the Marvel Cinematic Universe. And that’s how I remembered it until my rewatch last night. What I forgot: since it came out, a lot more amusing and enjoyable MCU films came along, ones that…
Tour the Millennium Falcon with Lando Calrissian
I’m really chuffed to show off this little video, a real treat — a tour of the brand new Millennium Falcon from Solo: A Star Wars Story, with that other double-crossing, no-good swindler of a space rogue, Lando Calrissian. Donald Glover (the new Lando, smarmily stealing Solo’s film) is in all his elated glory here. His custom-designed…
Wonder Woman 1984: Actor News, Story Continuity
DC’s Wonder Woman 1984 film, scheduled to arrive November 19, 2019, posted a first look at Kristen Wigg’s villain “The Cheetah” today, and at this point we know very little about the role. The sequel/prequel plot will somehow be squashed between the bulk of Amazon princess’ World War I origin entry last summer, and her…
The Quantum Realm in Ant-Man 2 Offers Answers for Avengers 4
People are wondering why the big beautiful Avengers 3 – Infinity War is being followed so closely in the Marvel Cinematic Universe by, of all heroes, the Ant Man. With Ant-Man and the Wasp smashing across theaters July 6, we’ve barely had a moment to absorb the calamitous events of the Infinity War. Where, as…
Stan Lee – His Marvel Cameos are a Secret Character
Notice how every Marvel movie, whether in an obvious bit or a tiny moment, has a unique and fun Stan Lee cameo? Fans came up with a theory and Marvel/Lee finally confirmed it…he actually has a ongoing, arc-based role as a Watcher Informant. His job is to keep an eye on the galaxy’s superheros and…
Chewbacca Sings Silent Night (and it actually works)
Sometimes I just can’t help myself, and watch all kinds of dorky Star Wars fun from the endless free entertainment provided by the internet. And no, I don’t mean the abysmally received Star Wars Holiday Special. (Although you can find THAT on the internet too, if you have 98 minutes to kill watching something that…
Tom Holland is an Adorable Bigmouth
You can’t trust some actors not to spoil their own movies. People like Mark Hamill and Mark Ruffalo can maybe be excused. Chris Pratt too. They didn’t grow up with the internet and Twitter, where everyone knows what’s been said within minutes (seconds, really). Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn doles out his spoilers on…
Movie Rewatch Attempt – Jurassic Park III
Known and reviled by most as the “worst Jurassic movie,” I sit here and wait for a for Jurassic Park III rewatch at the most dinosaur-themed brewpub I’ve ever seen, The Bronto Meadery in San Diego. Bronto Meadery is hosting a viewing all four Jurassic movies before Fallen Kingdom weekend hits the US, drinking handcrafted…
Movie Review — Superfly (2018)
Superfly is a very talky movie, interspersed with people shooting each other, and lots of blood blossoming on fancy white outfits. There’s not a single character to root for — everyone is corrupt, either selling drugs or profiteering off those selling the drugs. [pullquote]There are, however, some great outfits, good hair, a fine soundtrack, and…
Welcome to Jurassic Poll…
Lots of Dinosaur action this week. I’m getting ready for my Jurassic World Double Feature on Thursday (all Thursdays are movie nights here at RunPee…) Here’s a poll of the state of dinosauria in Twitterland. Poll results will drop in when the time limit is up, but feel free to head to Twitter and add…