Category: -genres
Entire Lyrics to Bohemian Rhapsody
Before you go see the Queen movie Bohemian Rhapsody, you might want to brush up on the lyrics to their most iconic song. Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? Caught in a landslide No escape from reality Open your eyes Look up to the skies and see I’m just a poor boy, I…
One Hard Quiz – Can you match the Queen lyrics with the song?
In this quiz I’ll give you a lyric from some of Queen’s most popular songs. If you’re a die-hard fan, most of these won’t stump you, but there may be a few that’ll make you scratch your head. Good Luck! [quiz-cat id=”11121″] I’ll admit that, without my research, I wouldn’t have gotten any questions correct…
A most excellent cameo, eh?
There are perfect cameos and then there’s Mike Myers’ cameo as Ray Foster in Bohemian Rhapsody. I honestly didn’t recognize Myers during the movie. It wasn’t until after I saw it — when I was adding Peetimes — that I noticed his credit listing on the IMDb. If you don’t know why this is such an excellent…
Virgin Movie Review – Independence Day 2: Resurgence
What did I just watch? This movie was incoherent. It’s probably better if you recently did a rewatch of the original Independence Day film before viewing 2016’s Resurgence, but I can’t be sure if this is just me not paying enough attention, or the movie being made mostly of nonsense. In spite of not understanding…
Virgin Movie Review – Guardian
in ActionWell, this was a typical disaster film that somehow I missed on the first round. I LOVE disaster movies, and thrillers, of which Guardian managed to tick on both boxes. The problem here is that it wasn’t much of a film, being both derivative and predictable. The lead actors seemed to sensed this, apparently, since…
Hit Song From the Movie Smallfoot – Let It Lie – by Common (with Lyrics)
I loved the animated Smallfoot, and even gave it a coveted A+ rating. One of the highlights that pushed it that stratospheric score are the appealing songs through out. The absolute, 100% standout number, goes to Let It Lie, sang by the StoneKeeper (the singer Common). I listen to a daily, for some reason, set in…
Guardians of the Galaxy Song – Guardians Inferno Video and Lyrics
The Guardians of the Galaxy, Vols 1 and 2, are already beloved movie icons, both inside and outside the geek crowd. As a big part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, their reach extends from Disney theme parks, with the hugely popular Guardian’s Breakout ride, to this little gem of a disco parody song called The…
We Didn’t Start The Fire – Movie References
Billy Joel made an historical hit in 1989, with pop song We Didn’t Start The Fire. Historical pop songs are a small genre (I can also think of One Week and Big Bang Theory, both by the Bare Naked Ladies), but mighty catchy to listen to, try as you might to catch all the cool…
Quiz – Stephen King’s The Stand
I’ve wanted to do a quiz on The Stand since I first read the book. I’ll describe a character and you supply their name. Hope you have as much fun taking this quiz as I had in making it! [quiz-cat id=”10907″] The movie of The Stand didn’t impress me nearly as much as the book…
Quiz – The Hunt for Red October
Hunter Killer is going gangbusters at the box office. Since everyone is excited about this movie, I should pay homage to the submarine genre by doing a quiz on The Hunt For Red October. [quiz-cat id=”10929″] The Hunt For Red October is a timeless piece of cinema history. I’ve seen this movie a number of times,…