Category: -genres
Virgin Movie Review – Jim Carrey’s The Grinch (2000)
Holy hell, this was directed by Ron Howard? Normally I love his touch. And as for Jim Carrey, I’ve always been a fan. Not with this. This is the Carrey equivalent of Bill Murrey’s Garfield: a true WTF? I imagine (and know for sure, based on my own great-niece’s preferences) some people like this Grinch.…
A Slightly More Than Casual Fan’s Reaction to Avenger 4 Trailer 1
Guest article by Christopher Estrada WARNING! Spoilers ahead for Avengers: Infinity War, Ant-Man and The Wasp, and the trailer for Avengers: End Game. Wow… Iron Man’s helmet really looks beaten… Because it was. And he was. Pretty severely when Thanos nearly snuffed out the life of Tony Stark. I didn’t expect Tony to survive that fight.…
Avengers 4 Endgame – First Trailer Review
Oh dear Thor! I’m sitting here sobbing my heart out. I just watched the first (amazing!) trailer for Avengers 4, which finally has a title: Avengers: Endgame. It’s under three minutes long and I’m a mess. Just like I was at the end of Avengers: Infinity War. As soon as it flipped to the title…
Movie Review – Aquaman
What does DC have to do to shake off the feeling that it’s the poor man’s Marvel? For starters: make better movies. I’m not saying Aquaman is bad. Far from it. It’s a decent movie despite being as predictable as it is visually appealing. But it’s no better than the first Thor movie. Which would…
Quiz – Mike Morales as the Spider-verse’s New Spider-Man
This quiz deals with the history of Marvel comic’s “other” Spider-Man — Miles Morales (showcased in Into the Spider-verse), and how he became a superhero. If you’ve been a life-long fan of Morales, you won’t find this quiz too difficult.[quiz-cat id=”12320″] Until I started researching Morales, I had no idea how convoluted the comic book universe…
A Merry Movie Christmas – The RunPee Family’s Favorite Holiday Films
It’s that time of year again, when you can’t walk around in stores without hearing that Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer, how mommy kissed Santa Claus, or that sad Last Christmas song by WHAM! In other words, ’tis the season to pay lip service to the holidays. (Ouch. I sound like a Grinch. Let me start again.)…
Virgin Movie Review – Planet of the Apes (2001)
Who knew Tim Burton could direct a grand scale epic adventure? I always thought his specialty was weirdos doing wacky things. But I was surprised and pleased with how much I enjoyed this 2001 version of Planet of the Apes, especially since I’m not impressed with the more recent trilogy. I also didn’t realize Mark…
What DC Can Learn from Marvel Movies
This awesome 10-minute video (below) by ScreenRant picks apart how and why the Marvel Cinematic Universe kills it over the DC Extended Universe. You may be a bigger DC fan over Marvel, but it’s hard to argue the MCU movies are more inspiring, with strong character beats and good-natured humor…while DC limps along being largely…
Video – How Marvel Finally Got Thor Right
Is Thor your favorite Avenger? Did the Ragnarok movie change your feeling towards him as a legitimate character? This 10 minute video breaks apart the progression of the “Strongest Avenger” and tells us how he went from meh to awesome, becoming the character we most root (Groot for?) for by the time of Infinity War:
The Weirdest Moments in Classic Christmas Specials
Old Christmas TV specials can be downright bizarre. I grew up watching the animated cartoons like Frosty the Snowman and The Grinch, and eagerly lapped up the clay stop-motions like Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer, and The Year Without a Santa Claus. Joyous holiday fun, right? Yes. And no. They’re enjoyable shorts, but as an adult I’m…