Category: Entertainment News
Tom Cruise Wants You To Fix Your TV
Have you ever heard of Motion Smoothing? I haven’t either. Apparently the new HDTVs come with it already defaulted on, and Tom Cruise wants you to turn it off, dammit, when you sit down to watch movies at home. He even took time out from filming the Top Gun sequel to tell everyone how to…
The Deadpool Before Christmas
We’re beside ourselves with Christmas joy over this one: IT’S THE DEADPOOL BEFORE CHRISTMAS! What a fantastic gift for the fans. Ryan Reynolds is my new bestest friend. And then there’s Fred Savage, who’s just annoyed at the whole thing. He seriously needs to be booped on the nose. Really. Because what could be better…
Can Dune be done? Should Dune be done? Bringing Long Books to the Screen
Until the last generation, when Peter Jackson proved The Lord of the Rings could not only be made into a successful film — but be so off-the-charts good that it took home 11 Oscar Awards — it was unheard of to succeed at translating most of the great sci-fi and fantasy epics of literature to…
Hollywood Celebrities Mourn Stan Lee on Twitter
You can’t read this article about the legendary Stan Lee (who died this Monday at the age of 95) and not be moved, and a little choked up, by the wonderful list of loving tribute Tweets. And not only does this post scroll through messages from the expected Marvel actors and their corner of the…
Hugh Jackman Admits He Never Knew What A Wolverine Was
Hugh Jackman, AKA X-Men’s Wolverine, admitted to Stephen Colbert on The Late Show that he’d studied wolves before his first film with the X-Men. He mistakenly thought a wolverine was a type of wolf. [pullquote position=”left”]So, kudos to an actor who immersed himself in zoology for a part. And now I have to see the original…
Quiz – Learn About Marvel Studio’s Great Stan Lee
We just heard (11/12/18) about the sad passing of legendary Marvel Comics superhero creator/movie co-producer Stan Lee, at the impressive age of 95. Mr. Lee had so many influential superhero characters to his name: it’s impossible for anyone not to have been touched in some way by Spider-Man, The Hulk, Iron Man, Thor, Black Panther,…
RIP Stan Lee – you will be missed
We just heard today (11/12/18) about the passing of legendary Marvel Comics superhero creator and movie co-producer Stan Lee, at the age of 95. Not only was he beloved for introducing the world to such enduring characters as as The Hulk, Thor, Black Panther, Dr. Strange, Spider-Man, Iron Man, and the X-Men (among many others),…
Pixar Fast Fact Video – Easter Eggs in Incredibles 2
Be happy, Pixar fans, as the galaxy’s best animated superhero movie sequel is now available on DVD and Blu-Ray. To remind you how good Incredibles 2 is, I’m introducing you to a duo of video superheros themselves, the Super Carlin Brothers. These guys love Pixar, and came up with the mind-blowing, probably unlikely, but strangely fitting…
The Grinch Who Keeps Stealing Christmas
With the newest incarnation of The Grinch in theaters this year, we thought it was time to take a look at the history of this mean green creature, who is both dastardly and oddly sympathetic. How The Grinch Stole Christmas (1957) – The original kid’s book by Dr. Seuss is beloved, and for very good reasons. It…
Avengers 4 Trailer Hints and Rumors
Several people online are reporting in with seeing the as-yet untitled Avengers 4 trailer, which is expected to drop by mid-November. Here’s the link to the extended observations of the Avengers 4 trailer, possibly titled Avengers: Annihilation. The notes are detailed and sound authentic enough, given the final events of Avengers: Infinity War. Keep in mind some people believe…