Author: Jill Florio
Movie Review – The Meg
I’m mulling over The Meg. It was a ton (er, rather, several tons) of fun, but after having viewed the original Jaws this week, my expectations are a bit high. I also have high expectations for movies with dinosaurs and other ‘real’ animals (as opposed to ‘monsters’). Megalodon was a real shark, and an ancient…
Best Quotes from Jaws
The 1975 Jaws is a 2 hour one liner machine. Besides being a nearly perfect film, it’s infinitely quotable. Here are some starters – you add the rest: You’re gonna need a bigger boat. I am familiar with the fact that you are going to ignore this problem until it swims up and bites you…
Best Jaws Iconic Moments, plus Movie Analysis (videos)
Does it get better than this? Sooooo simple. Sooooo scary. Is there anything else in the soundtrack worth noting? Because I really can’t recall. This is iconography at its first and best. Short, fun, thrilling: Always gives me the chills! Here’s the icoinc scene with that one liner that’s good for so many real-life applications:…
Jaws: Honest Trailers (Video)
I always enjoy the videos put out by Honest Trailers. Sometimes they get too nit picky, but that’s part of the fun of being a movie fan. This one’s really funny (the “Singing Sea Shanties” bit is awesome). A great film like Jaws doesn’t have too many nits to pick…and they admit it here…but when…
Everything Wrong With Jaws in 9 minutes or Less (video)
Have another cool set of pot shots at JAWS right here: Seven Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Jaws — —————————- Related, On RunPee: Movie Rewatch – Jaws – Still A Fantastic Blockbuster
Movie Rewatch – Jaws – Still A Fantastic Blockbuster
This movie still blows me away (not unlike the way a certain 25-foot Great White got blown) and I am super surprised. I knew it was good, but I didn’t remember it being THIS good. Like A+ level good. Steven Spielberg, while young, was already on his game. It’s hard to hold the title of…
Movie Review — Dog Days
This small but cute film is solid middling fare, and a possible excuse to get into air conditioning during these “Dog Days of Summer.”[pullquote] If you’ve ever had a canine friend, Dog Days has got something for everyone — there were nine storylines, but none of them felt forced. I even shed a tear [/pullquote](and…
Sorry YA movies that never finished their franchises
I’m the member of the RunPee family who LOVES the YA (young adult) Dystopian/Fantasy genre. Harry Potter is still an obsession for me (and I’m 50). I re-read The Hunger Games every year, and watch the franchise even more. I even think Twilight was decent, although The Host was better. So, what’s the deal with this…
Fantastic Theme Music from the Entire Mission Impossible Franchise
Tom Cruise dominates the series now, but it did run from 1966-1973 on television, and in syndication, long before Cruise started breaking his legs and doing stratospheric plane jumps in the movie franchise. I remember watching this long ago, at the edge of memory, with my mother, and humming the theme with the spark burning…
Cruise’s HALO MI Dives: 106 jumps at 25,000 feet, w/broken ankle
Tom Cruise broke his ankle mid-stunt, leaping from one roof to another. He pulled off the painful, complicated move, landed a bit funny, and kept on filming. We cover that here. The foot looks a little gruesome in the side video — take a look. Feet don’t work that way. So, what’s the perfect way…