Author: Jill Florio
How to Dress Like Queen – Freddie Mercury and Classic Rock Bands
With the biopic movie Bohemian Rhapsody splashing across theaters, you might want to have a little fun dressing up like the members of the iconic rock band Queen, led by Freddie Mercury. It’s a simple matter to dress like you’re a male band member from the 80s era. [pullquote]As with many costumes, the key is…
How to Dress Like Bellatrix Lestrange from Harry Potter
I like to cosplay anything from Harry Potter. I’ve got looks for Hermione, Luna Lovegood, Harry himself in a gender-switched role, a gender bent Snape, Tonks, Dolores Umbridge, Professor Trelawny…and my favorite costume, Bellatrix Lestrange. I’ve worn her now to both the Intergalacticon and the San Diego Comic Con. She is amazingly fun to play…
What is a MacGuffin? Top Movie MacGuffins, Explained
A MacGuffin is any object that drives the plot and motivates the characters in a movie. You might have seen the name “MacGuffins” over bar bistros in the lobbies of many AMC theaters. That’s an industry in-joke. It sounds like the name of an Irish pub, but it’s really a nod to a long standing…
Virgin Movie Review – Independence Day 2: Resurgence
What did I just watch? This movie was incoherent. It’s probably better if you recently did a rewatch of the original Independence Day film before viewing 2016’s Resurgence, but I can’t be sure if this is just me not paying enough attention, or the movie being made mostly of nonsense. In spite of not understanding…
Virgin Movie Review – Guardian
in ActionWell, this was a typical disaster film that somehow I missed on the first round. I LOVE disaster movies, and thrillers, of which Guardian managed to tick on both boxes. The problem here is that it wasn’t much of a film, being both derivative and predictable. The lead actors seemed to sensed this, apparently, since…
Hit Song From the Movie Smallfoot – Let It Lie – by Common (with Lyrics)
I loved the animated Smallfoot, and even gave it a coveted A+ rating. One of the highlights that pushed it that stratospheric score are the appealing songs through out. The absolute, 100% standout number, goes to Let It Lie, sang by the StoneKeeper (the singer Common). I listen to a daily, for some reason, set in…
Guardians of the Galaxy Song – Guardians Inferno Video and Lyrics
The Guardians of the Galaxy, Vols 1 and 2, are already beloved movie icons, both inside and outside the geek crowd. As a big part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, their reach extends from Disney theme parks, with the hugely popular Guardian’s Breakout ride, to this little gem of a disco parody song called The…
We Didn’t Start The Fire – Movie References
Billy Joel made an historical hit in 1989, with pop song We Didn’t Start The Fire. Historical pop songs are a small genre (I can also think of One Week and Big Bang Theory, both by the Bare Naked Ladies), but mighty catchy to listen to, try as you might to catch all the cool…