Author: Dan Gardner
Where’s the American Flag in First Man?
Much ado has been made about the omission of the moment when Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin planted the American flag on the moon in the movie First Man. So what’s the deal? Here’s what the director had to say about this decision: “It surprised me because there are so many things that we weren’t able…
More Powerful Than You Could Possibly Imagine
Remember in A New Hope when Obi Wan said to Vader, “Strike me down and I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine”? As it turned out, Obi Wan didn’t become all powerful. He didn’t do much more than become the Jedi Whisperer. (Let go, Luke. Trust your feelings.) Now that Luke has faded…
MoviePass Auto Re-enrollment for Select Users
MoviePass has had a rough go of it lately. No surprise when your business model is too good to be true. However, their latest move is stirring up controversy among their users — or former users in some cases — who have been auto re-enrolled in a new program. According to Business Insider, former MoviePass holders…
Alert Peetimes – How to Avoid Torture and Disturbing Scenes in Movies
A common request from users over the years is to help them avoid graphic scenes in movies that might disturb them. For years we tried to do the best we could to create Peetimes during scenes we found to be over the top, or really disturbing (as compared to the rest of the movie). Now…
The Predator final trailer
I was underwhelmed after I saw the first few trailers for the latest installment in the Predator universe — however, this latest trailer shows the tone of the movie to be more humorous, with good fun action, than the previous trailers did. Here’s why I’m the most excited about this movie: it’s written and directed by…
RunPee FAQ – How Get More Peecoins (your choice: for free or ad-free)
Find out how to get more Peecoins in-app, or via Paypal. Once you verify your email address, you can purchase Peecoins, or watch ads to get Peecoins for free. First, tap on your email address/Peecoins remaining message at the top of the Movie List Screen. That will take you to a screen with all the…
Movie Review – Mile 22
Mile 22 fails on every level that an action movie can fail, and then makes up some new ways to fail. But wait, there’s good news: the Russian government is the bad guys again. Yeah! (More on that later.) This entire movie feels like the first 30 minutes of a much better movie. Meaning: they…
Watching movies, because we have to!
Don’t get me wrong, everyone in the RunPee family loves movies, but sometimes we really dread going to the theater because, you know, it’s a job. One of the first things we learned about getting the best Peetimes for a movie was to make sure that we at least see movies within our favorite genres.…
Voting = Revolution
Whether you want a revolution or to maintain the status quo, voting is the democratic equivalent to revolution. On election day we go to war by casting our ballots. The majority wins — sorta. (Don’t get me started on the unpatriotic and treasonous misuse of gerrymandering, and the ridiculously outdated electoral college.) [pullquote]We encourage everyone to…
Mega-fake-ladon – How Discovery Channel Deceives People for Viewership
Nothing surprises me anymore when it comes to what people can be deceived into believing. But in my humble opinion, it is criminal for a media company, or anyone, to knowingly deceive people just to get views. Please watch the video (below), but please don’t watch Discovery Channel’s Shark Week. The Discovery Channel needs…