Tag: ray wise
Golden Man’s Top 10 Movies of 2020
in -Movie Review, Action, Adventure, Blockbuster, Comedy, DC, Drama, Dystopian, Indie and vintage films, Limited release, List, Marvel not MCU, Movie of the Month, Movie Opinions and Lists, Movie summary, Musical, Ranking Movies, Remake, Remakes and Reboots, Romance, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Sequel, Sequels and Prequels, Shared Universe, Superhero, Superheroes, ThrillerHow do you choose the top 10 movies of 2020? I wish I knew an easy way to choose the top 10 movies of 2020. But the truth is it’s like trying to pick your favorite child: there are so precious few of them. Looking at the “Movies Seen 2020” list on my phone depresses…