Tag: comic books
Fantastic Flaw – Why Hasn’t There Been A Good F4 Film?
In many ways the Fantastic Four were the first, the one’s that paved the way for the rest, the ones that were genuinely groundbreaking. Back in 1961 Stan Lee and Jack Kirby got together and created a superhero team with a flawed humanity and other complex, yet naturalistic, characteristics. The Fantastic Four were born. I’m…
Everything You Need to Know About Hellboy
Hellboy opens on April 12, 2019. It will be the titular character’s third major theatrical adventure. Not sure who Hellboy is? Never heard of the B.P.R.D.? Wondering what’s up with his forehead? No worries. We’ve got you covered. Here’s what the deal is for the new Hellboy movie: — Hellboy is a popular comic book…
Quiz – Mike Morales as the Spider-verse’s New Spider-Man
This quiz deals with the history of Marvel comic’s “other” Spider-Man — Miles Morales (showcased in Into the Spider-verse), and how he became a superhero. If you’ve been a life-long fan of Morales, you won’t find this quiz too difficult.[quiz-cat id=”12320″] Until I started researching Morales, I had no idea how convoluted the comic book universe…
Quiz – Learn About Marvel Studio’s Great Stan Lee
We just heard (11/12/18) about the sad passing of legendary Marvel Comics superhero creator/movie co-producer Stan Lee, at the impressive age of 95. Mr. Lee had so many influential superhero characters to his name: it’s impossible for anyone not to have been touched in some way by Spider-Man, The Hulk, Iron Man, Thor, Black Panther,…
RIP Stan Lee – you will be missed
We just heard today (11/12/18) about the passing of legendary Marvel Comics superhero creator and movie co-producer Stan Lee, at the age of 95. Not only was he beloved for introducing the world to such enduring characters as as The Hulk, Thor, Black Panther, Dr. Strange, Spider-Man, Iron Man, and the X-Men (among many others),…
Review – Professor Marston and the Wonder Women
This is a slow character tale about how the Wonder Woman comic came to be. While seemingly a superhero origin story, it’s really a drama about how an unconventional threesome bucked the odds of their time to create a gentle — and mostly uncomplicated — love story. Was Wonder Woman a part of all this? She’s…