Category: Movie News
RunPee What You Need To Know Hub
We all like a bit of news, gossip, rumor, and speculation about movies! Now that it seems like the world is returning to normal after a terrible pandemic, there is a new fervor surrounding film and TV releases. Sometimes there just isn’t time to read long, flowing articles that speculate on what’s coming over the…
John Wick: Chapter 4 – What You Need To Know
John Wick returns! Personally, I can’t wait. If they keep up the standard of the first three I’d be happy to see this franchise running as long as the James Bond one! Who is John Wick? John Wick is (was) a retired hit man. He was an exceptionally good one. Liam Neeson thought he had…
Ms Marvel on Disney+ — What You Need To Know
Marvel are opening more doors! They’ve taken another comic book character and created a new series around them. This time, though, the character is a teenaged Muslim girl, played by a first-time actor. Who Is Ms Marvel? Ms Marvel is the alter ego of Kamala Khan who worships Captain Marvel to the point of playing…
Avatar 2 gets a title and trailer premier date
Director James Cameron announced that the next Avatar movie will be titled Avatar: The Way of Water. The highly anticipated sequel is scheduled for release this winter on December 16th, 2022. The third Avatar movie will be released the following December 2023. Cameron confirmed that as soon as post-production work is complete on Avatar 3…
Cinema of the future: what surprises to expect
in Movie NewsThe 21st century is the century of new technologies and computer graphics, which marked the end of the era of cinema familiar to us. Now everything is much easier: to listen to music, read a book, do your homework, watch a play – you have to turn on your computer. If you’ve ever wondered “how…
You’re saying it wrong: The Benedict Cumberbatch Name Generator
Of course, the wacky people in Britland can’t be bothered to say superhero actor Benedict Cumberbatch properly. It’s too much effort and a lot more fun to get it astoundingly, satisfyingly wrong. Cumberbatch — er, Cumberbund? — seems okay with this. Say his real name enough times and you start wondering what is correct,…
Ghostbusters 3: Afterlife – An Original Cast Ghostbusters Teaser Trailer
I’m on board for the upcoming Ghostbusters: Afterlife. Also, it might make me rewatch Ghostbusters 2. MAYBE. Not sure I can stomach it — number 2 was that bad. But really, this is the time to pull this series out of the dust bin, since most of the main players are still at large and…
Disney Again Reshuffles Marvel Release Dates
The effects of 2020 just won’t go away. (Cough-cough) Disney pushed back the release dates for five upcoming MCU movies. Three of them get later release dates and two are TBD. The Good News This year’s Eternals and Spider-Man: No Way Home keep their current release dates on November 5th and December 17, 2021 respectively.…
Eternals runtime leaked
A leaked report reveals that Marvel’s upcoming release of Eternals on November 5th, 2021, will be the second-longest Marvel movie to date. Avengers: Endgame (3 hours, 2 minutes) Eternals (2 hours, 36 minutes) Avengers: Infinity War (2 hours, 29 minutes) Captain America: Civil War (2 hours, 27 minutes) The Avengers (2 hours, 22 minutes) Avengers:…