Category: Thriller
Rewatch Review – The Long Kiss Goodnight
The Long Kiss Goodnight is a great film. It has action, thrills, humour, intrigue, suspense… everything! Geena Davis is gorgeous and believable as both the mumsy Samantha Caine and the deadly Charlie Baltimore. Confused? How about if I say that Sam Caine is an anagram of ‘amnesiac? Samuel L Jackson is brilliant as Mitch Hennessey, the…
Indie Movie Review – Contracts
Contracts reminded me of the martial arts films that were everywhere in the ‘70s… the ones which had two ten minute fights in every quarter hour of film. And, to be honest, this isn’t a lot different. The story, such as it is, revolves around an elite group of assassins who are being killed off …
Indie Movie Review – Blind
Starting on a positive note, Blind was very nicely shot with interesting, atmospheric images throughout; more than just a hint of Dario Argento. There were also some nice horror touches; cliff hangers set up, bad guys closing in, etc. However, then things fall apart. The acting tends toward the plankish; the woman is supposed to be…
Indie Short Review – Dear Guest
Dear Guest is a thriller for our times. At least I think it is… I’m a bit old and befuddled by a lot of these modern ways of doing things, but it seems to be aimed at putting the wind up the Airbnb users out there. We start Dear Guest as Maria (Ashley Bell) and Jules…
Is there anything extra during the end credits of Freaky?
Yes, there are extra scenes during, or after, the end credits of Freaky. View details and movie information…
Movie Review – Freaky
What a fun movie! I can’t remember the last time I walked out of the theater having had so much fun. Let’s face it, when it comes to horror movies it’s all pretty much been done. When I saw Freaky was a Blumhouse production, though, I got excited. They are great at what they do.…
Is there anything extra during the end credits of Let Him Go?
No, there are not any extra scenes during, or after, the end credits of Let Him Go. View details and movie information…
Movie Review – Let Him Go
Let Him Go took my heart, ripped it out of my chest, and let a stampede of horses crush it until it was unidentifiable as anything human. As I was sitting through the credits, my mind was reeling with emotions that were so carnal and brutal that it took me a moment to realize,…
Movie Review – The Last Bus
So… a matter of weeks after writing an article about Timothy Spall, I get an email inviting me to preview a screening of his latest film The Last Bus. Yes, we at RunPee Towers have THAT much clout! I say it’s his latest film, but it’s still in post-production and not due for release until…
Movie Review – Pixie
This was a spur of the moment decision. Whilst sitting in the cinema yesterday (Thursday) I saw a trailer for Pixie and, as I had nothing planned for the next day thought I’d book tickets on the way out. I can hear you all now saying, “You dull bugger, that’s why they show trailers!” …But…