Category: -genres
Movie Rewatch Review of X-Files – I Want To Believe
The X-Files now has nine television seasons, two movies, and two short-term TV revivals under their belt. This no-spoiler rewatch is for the second feature film, I Want To Believe, taking place years (both in-universe and out) after the final run of original TV episodes, and before both revivals were even a concept. (Is this…
Hip Indie Theater Review in Tijuana, Mexico – Cine Tonala
I sit here with delightful empanada pastries, and a nice menu in this three level establishment in downtown’s Cine Tonala — right on the ‘infamous’ Av. Revolucion in Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico. It’s a sneeze to walk across the main San Diego border, then a longish walk, cheap van-taxi, or short UBER ride from there,…
Star Trek 4 Movie News Updates
As of this weekend, we now know a few new things about the uncertain status of the on-hiatus, as-yet-unnamed Star Trek 4 movie film. For people following the saga of the Kelvin Timeline Star Trek movies, both both Chrises walked out on the planned post-Star Trek Beyond film, due to breakdowns in salary negotiations with Paramount.…
Movie Review – The House With A Clock In Its Walls
I wish this film was better. It started out lively, with some nice funky humor for a while. There were good production values throughout. Unfortunately, the story went downhill fast at the middle mark, and became a dreadful muddle by the end. I watched the children in the theater to make sure it wasn’t just…
1st Captain Marvel Trailer Finally Drops – Comments and Speculation
We’ve just seen the first trailer for Captain Marvel, in the next phase of the Marvel Cinematic Universe…and it honestly doesn’t show much. It lasts a little less than two minutes. It shows Brie Larson’s character (Carol Danvers, AKA Captain Marvel) falling to the Earth, and then a variety of nano-scenes flash by. We see some…
Movies Mentioning Pee – fun film clips
RunPee is about Pee. Okay…um: I should rephrase that. We’re about movies. But pee was the inspiration, and as Alfred Hitchcock famously said, “The length of a film should be directly related to the endurance of the human bladder.” This isn’t really the case in modern times, most especially with blockbusters. We at RunPee tend…
Fun Details You Didn’t Notice from the Halloween Trailer
The new Halloween movie returns to its roots. Yeah! It cleans up the timeline — ignoring the iffy sequels and remakes. Almost entirely. Right on! It’s full of visual metaphors and clues reminding you of the original movie, and promising what may come. Will we see hints of chilling thrills, and a great concluding narrative…
Halloween 2nd Trailer Released, Curtis to Whip Some Psycho Butt!
Halloween is coming — in more ways than one. We at RunPee couldn’t be more excited for Jamie Lee Curtis, after all this time (since 1978!), to scare HER psycho boogeyman Mike Meyers, and whup his deranged butt for once and for all. Some people just shouldn’t be allowed to go to prison, allowing for…
60 Movies Standing Up To The Test Of Time
Here’s list of my favorite films, all of which are somewhere in the A range, or a high B. I didn’t actually include everything I’ve ever given an A to on RunPee, because they were often graded according to the target audience, and aren’t actually my personal faves. Sometimes I want to upgrade a film…
All Predator Movies, Rated
There’s a glut of Predator movies in the franchise now, starting with the classic Predator of 1987 with Arnold Schwarzenegger, through ’til just this week, with The Predator. Since almost each film has basically the same name (except Requiem), it can be confusing to recall which was released when, with what storyline. Also, each storyline has…