Category: Entertainment News
Why You Need to Care About Carol Danvers – Captain Marvel Facts and Film Updates
Have you noticed the Captain Marvel trailers dropping for the upcoming March 8, 2019 film, set within the (admittedly large and dense) Marvel Cinematic Universe? There’s a lot of speculation on who exactly Ms. Marvel is, how she’s going to fit into the Avengers ongoing storyline, why the movie will be set in the past,…
Full List (and comments) for the 2019 76th Annual Golden Globes Nominees & Winners
We’ve compiled the complete list of nominees for tonite’s (Jan 6, 2019) 76th Annual Globe Awards, and the RunPee Family added a few comments here and there. Been a long, fruitful year of movies. We’ve added links to RunPee’s own reviews where we had them (we don’t catch every limited release). Enjoy reading our opinions!…
Quiz – Golden Globe Awards Trivia
Most people will have to guess at the answers, so don’t be sad if you’re one of them; this quiz is intended to entertain you about actors, directors, and awards from Golden Globe Ceremonies over the years. [quiz-cat id=”13204″] Hope you enjoyed this little quiz; I had great fun making it, and yes, I would have…
On The Basis Of Sex – What Was True and What Was Fiction?
As most moviegoers know, Hollywood loves to take an historical event and turn it into a parody of itself. Inasmuch as I loved the movie Braveheart, Mel must have not read many books about William Wallace. Timelines were rearranged to fit the script…which is sad, because the actual timeline was such a big part of the…
How RunPee Makes Memorable Cues For Peetimes & Movie Breaks
What do we mean by a Peetime Cue when we add them to the RunPee app? There takes a certain type of finesse and a small learning curve to using Peetimes properly. Over the years we’ve distilled it to a science. (Some would say it’s an art…) Contrary to what some might think, when the…
The Voice Actors of Spider-Verse
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse has a great cast of voice actors. Here’s a breakdown of the actors, and movies where you might have seen them before. (Slighty spoilery; all links are to RunPee’s reviews) Peter Parker is voiced by Chris Pine. This is the first Spiderman we meet when the movie opens. Chris Pine has numerous…
Is Bumblebee a prequel or a reboot?
Prequel or reboot. Or, soft-reboot — whatever that is. Just where does Bumblebee fit in the Transformers universe? Officially, Bumblebee is a prequel, set in 1987. But when you watch the movie you better wear your best retcon glasses, because there’s a lot that just can’t fit with the story we already know. For instance: in…
Deadpool PG-13 wants to Cure Cancer with Your Movie Money
According to the Wikipedia, the PG-13 holiday special of The Deadpool Before Christmas only happened because Reynolds insisted charities should benefit. Awwww! I never knew Reynolds was secretly a sweetheart, but maybe we should have guessed it: he’s confirmed Deadpool is indeed a member of the Hogwarts House Hufflepuff, where wizards are loyal, kind, hardworking,…
A Slightly More Than Casual Fan’s Reaction to Avenger 4 Trailer 1
Guest article by Christopher Estrada WARNING! Spoilers ahead for Avengers: Infinity War, Ant-Man and The Wasp, and the trailer for Avengers: End Game. Wow… Iron Man’s helmet really looks beaten… Because it was. And he was. Pretty severely when Thanos nearly snuffed out the life of Tony Stark. I didn’t expect Tony to survive that fight.…
Avengers 4 Endgame – First Trailer Review
Oh dear Thor! I’m sitting here sobbing my heart out. I just watched the first (amazing!) trailer for Avengers 4, which finally has a title: Avengers: Endgame. It’s under three minutes long and I’m a mess. Just like I was at the end of Avengers: Infinity War. As soon as it flipped to the title…