Author: Jill Florio
Movie Review – The Last Jedi
It’s too soon to know how I feel about this latest installment to the Star Wars saga. A lot happens, at a brisk pace. We have fleeting introductions to a bunch of brand-new characters we never get to know; why they rounded up well-known actors for little more than extended cameos is beyond me. It’s…
All Star Wars Movies, ranked by personal watchablility. Now including Rise of Skywalker
What is rewatchability? It means I can put in a movie and watch it all the way through for fun, over and over and over again through the years. (This is different than having a movie on in the background while cleaning house or something…that’s another category). I want something to lift my spirits, which…
Movie Review – The Disaster Artist
I’m working on my review for The Disaster Artist right now, but wanted to give you a heads up while I do it. It’s hilarious, and full of amazing actor and director cameos. The audience was into it in a way that I haven’t seen since my last midnight showing of The Rocky Horror Picture…
Movie Review – A Bad Mom’s Christmas (RunPee Jilly’s POV)
A Bad Mom’s Christmas isn’t much to write home about, but there were a few decent laughs and it was consistently entertaining. Don’t expect much, and you’ll enjoy it. Susan Sarandon did her best with the low-brow script, and Kristen Bell was adorable, as always. The overbearing moms were overbearing, and the raunchy jokes were…
Movie Review: Thor 3 – Ragnorak (Jilly’s POV)
Thor 3, AKA Ragnarok, was incredibly engaging and hard to tear my eyes from. It’s now in my top tier of MCU movies, beaten only by the first Guardians of the Galaxy. Hemsworth’s slightly dim but mighty character is a joy, from his 4th wall-breaking open, to the mid-credit end, and the man’s got surprisingly…
Movie Review – Coco (RunPee Jilly’s POV)
This wildly beautiful animated film celebrates Latino culture, inter-generational family connections, one possible interpretation of the afterlife, and, most obviously, what the Day of the Dead is all about. I’m not an expert on Mexican holidays, but it felt authentica. The animated humans were pretty adorable, and the Miguel/Hector interactions stole my dark little heart.…
Movie Review – Justice League (RunPee Jilly’s POV)
Now DC has its own cinematic universe. That’s fine: I won’t turn down good entertainment. I’m a geek through and through, and NEED my sci fi fix to sleep well at night. But DC has a history of being either 1. Disappointing, or 2. Really and Truly Grim. Contrast this to Marvel and the Avengers,…
Movie Review – Wonder
This is a cute little film with an important message about acceptance, tolerance, compassion, and friendship. It doesn’t try too hard, and rocks along rather gently for almost two hours. Normally I cry a lot during sad movies, and at heartwarming movies too, but this one didn’t toss any low blows at us (except possibly…
New Black Panther Trailer is Fantastic – Watch the Video Show Off Wakanda
I saw the new Black Panther trailer when I went to see Thor – Ragnarok, and it looks GORGEOUS. Sumptuous. Luxuriously detailed and kind of intense. Seriously, I could watch this preview all day. The Marvel Cinematic Universe sure knows how to create anticipation for their constellation of movies. It’s all about the story, and…
RunPee Reviewed on You Tube (A Lot!)
We love seeing reviews of our fine and fun app on You Tube: We’ve Been Reviewed! We feel so grateful for the attention. RunPee is a small, family-run business. We see all the wide release movies each (and every) week, sit there with our clipboards and timers, to give you two or three times you can safely…