Author: Jill Florio
Fact or Fiction – First Man and Neil Armstrong
First Man is a surprising film. It’s surprisingly devoid of excitement, I mean. Instead of a rousing tale of man’s journey to the moon, it focuses narrowly on life through the eyes of the taciturn and insular Neil Armstrong. He’s a strange choice to be awarded the honor of the first person to set foot…
Movie Review – Mid90s
First off, I’d give Mid90s a solid B. It’s a strange, unhappy little movie. I think it’s worth a watch, but it’s NOT a comedy. Ignore the hype saying that. This is a slightly artsy slice of life about a 13-year-old skateboarding kid who makes some seriously bad choices. I even put an Alert Peetime…
Movie Review – Johnny English Strikes Again
This movie wants to be Austin Powers. It’s the same set-up, the same cringe humor, the same British secret service bumbler who nevertheless gets the job done (in spite of his inherent ineptitude). The difference: Austin Powers is ten times more amusing. Rowan Atkinson tries, and sometimes succeeds, but mostly seems to be resting…
Why There Won’t be a Sequel to Cabin in the Woods
If you’ve seen Cabin in the Woods and enjoyed it, you’ll probably love Bad Times at the El Royale. Both are directed by Drew Goddard, and he uses the same kind of narrative deconstruction technique in each. Cabin in the Woods is a sardonically amusing take on the typical “teens in a creepy cabin the the…
Virgin Review – Legend of Tarzan
I thoroughly enjoyed this somewhat lightweight movie. It was a different take on the Tarzan story; a more adult version. Clearly, it was filmed on location, and the African settings were breathtaking. I’m going to have to make a trip to the Congo…and I’d be honored to assume a submissive pose to a gorilla troop (heads…
Virgin Review – Source Code
Source Code (2011) is based off yet another story by Philip K. Dick, always an excellent go-to for exciting mind-bending films about space, time, and supra-realities. Look at past movies mining P.K. Dick: Blade Runner, Minority Report, Total Recall, and Paycheck. I know I’m missing others, but the point is he’s a reliable “source” (ha!)…
Undercover Boss – A Star Wars Parody on SNL
Saturday Night Live has a lot of misses in these latter years of heyday’s past, but when they hit a home run, there’s still good to be found. One of my favorite SNL sketches has Adam Driver reprising his Star Wars role of Kylo Ren, the commander of Starkiller Base (from Star Wars: The Force Awakens),…
LOTR: Fan Film Short of The Hobbit – An Unexpected Parody
I think Peter Jackson should have opened The Hobbit with this fan-film feature. It’s that cute. Even if you don’t like drinking shots, you’ll find this short amusing. I can see this (in my personal head cannon) as what actually happened that fateful night at Bag End, and why Bilbo joined the Dwarves’ expedition to…
Opinion: Racism, Dogs, and Our Primitive Brains
I love this article RunPee Dan wrote about how bigotry used to have an evolutionary advantage for early man. This discussion was sparked by The Hate U Give, a movie out just this week, delving into the timely topics of race, bigotry, and prejudice in our culture. [pullquote]Racism has been a frequent topic in film…
Guardians of the Galaxy Ex-Director James Gunn to Direct Suicide Squad 2
In a surprise move that, in hindsight, should not be so surprising, DC snapped up erstwhile Marvel director James Gunn. The director who helmed the beloved Guardians of the Galaxy films was fired last July from GOTG Vol3 for offensive Twitter jokes posted over a decade ago, stirring up ire and confusion from legions of…