Author: Dan Gardner
Is there anything extra during the end credits of Guardians Of The Galaxy?
Yes, there are extra scenes during, or after, the end credits of Guardians Of The Galaxy. View details and movie information…
Movie Review – Guardians Of The Galaxy – The Marvel Movie that Changed Everything
Grade: A- Guardians Of The Galaxy was awesome fun; plenty of humor, amazing visuals, and great action sequences. Best of all the story and acting bring everything together in a suspenseful climax. I often complain that many action movies are too short but that’s not a problem in GOTG. Excluding the credits the movie is…
Hercules – movie review
Grade: C- I hate giving bad reviews to movies with my favorite actors. But there’s no escaping it, “Hercules” wasn’t very good. Lets start with the battle scenes. They were the worst filmed battles I’ve seen in decades. The cinematography was bland, and the choreography was redundant. I honestly got bored during the battle in…
Movie Review – LUCY
“Lucy” is like two movies mashed together: one is enjoyable and explores interesting questions; the other is lame and hyper-violent. Rating this movie is a question of how to balance these two. Where this movie really fails is in it’s brevity. Not including the credits it’s only an hour and twenty-two minutes long. That’s far…
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes – movie review
Grade: A Lets put aside the acting and the story for just a moment, both of which were great, and consider that there were no apes, no real apes at least, in this movie. There wasn’t a single moment, not one frame, that I saw where I thought, “Oh yeah, the apes are all computer…
Feedback needed for potential update to app
I’d love to get your feedback on a possible change to the app. Currently we have information about each Peetime at the top of the Peetime screen where we briefly describe what happens during each scene. That way you’ll have some idea if you’ll be missing an action scene, or character development, or whatever. Would…
Earth To Echo – movie review
Grade: C+ If it wasn’t obvious from the previews “Earth To Echo” is essentially a retelling of “ET”. But I’m pretty sure it won’t be remembered as one of the classics. This is definitely a kids movie. There’s not much for adults to cling to. The story centers around the close friendship of three boys…
Transformers: Age of Extinction, movie review
Grade: B- There’s not a lot to say about Transformers: Age of Extinction. (TAOE) It’s a Transformers movie with bits of awesome, a dash of humor, and loads of plot holes. But as we’ve seen before, Transformers can effortlessly jump over plot holes. When comparing TAOE with the other Transformer movies I’d have to put…
Error 918 on Google Play
Lots of people have been getting the Error 918 when trying to update the RunPee app. Here’s something that works for most people. Go to Settings > Apps > All > Google Play Store > Clear Cache & Clear Data then go to Settings > Accounts & Sync > *your Google account* > click menu…
Movie Review – Transformers Age Of Extinction
There’s not a lot to say about Transformers: Age of Extinction. (TAOE) It’s a Transformers movie with bits of awesome, a dash of humor, and loads of plot holes. But as we’ve seen before, Transformers can effortlessly jump over plot holes. When comparing TAOE with the other Transformer movies I’d have to put this one…