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Tag: movie reviews

  • Movie review : Sorority Row

    Sorority Row What did you think about Sorority Row? Share your thoughts about the movie in the comments below.

  • Movie review : Whiteout

    Whiteout Writing reviews for average movies are the most difficult. So this will be a hard review to write. The one thing that inspires me to make this a slightly better than average movie is Kate Beckinsale performance. She did just about everything that could be done with her part. She’s a fine actress and…

  • Movie review : 9

    9 [ No Spoilers ] Although this film drips with Tim Burton’s style he was only the producer and not the writer/director as he is with many of his films. Shane Acker is the director and the creator of the original story. So kudos to Shane for making such a outstanding film on his first…

  • Movie review : Gamer

    Gamer This movie would certainly have experienced a horrible, bloody, disfiguring death at the box office if it weren’t for Gerard Butler lending a hand to save it. But though he saved it doesn’t mean the movie survives in perfect health. Far from it. If this movie were embodied in human form it would be…

  • Movie review : All About Steve

    All About Steve I must confess that one of the reasons I enjoyed All About Steve is that Mary’s character – played by Sandra Bullock – is a lot like my wife. So I’ll admit that I have a bit of a prejudice for the film. That aside the film was rather bland. There was…

  • Movie review : Extract

    Extract Since Extract billed itself as the funniest movie of the summer I think I have grounds to demand a refund based on false advertising. I think The Hangover wins that title hands down, or is that hands together? 🙂 I’m not saying Extract was a bad movie. It just didn’t quite get over the…

  • Movie review : Taking Woodstock

    Taking Woodstock To me one of the most important aspects of a film is the pacing. Ang Lee is a masterful director and you can see his handywork here. I can’t think of another film that used pacing as a part of the story so effectively. The movie is very slow to get started. But…

  • Movie review : (500) Days of Summer

    (500) Days of Summer 500 Days of Summer is the best romantic comedy I’ve seen in a long time. I’m going to put it in that group of great romantic comedies that sits right under When Harry Met Sally, and Four Weddings and a Funeral. It was funny, but not hilarious. There were a handful…

  • Movie review : The Time Traveler’s Wife

    The Time Traveler’s Wife When I go to the movies I like to sit back, relax, eat popcorn and wash it down with that monster diet soda, especially now that I don’t have to worry about missing key parts of the movie while making a trip or two to the ladies room. ( The Time…

  • Movie review : Bandslam

    Bandslam Bandslam reinforced a lesson that I’ve learned many times: never judge a movie based on it’s genre. I’m not a fan of horror movies but I’ve seen many horror movies that I love. And I’m not a big fan of cop/gangster movies yet I think some of the movies in that genre are great.…