Category: -genres
Hugh Jackman Admits He Never Knew What A Wolverine Was
Hugh Jackman, AKA X-Men’s Wolverine, admitted to Stephen Colbert on The Late Show that he’d studied wolves before his first film with the X-Men. He mistakenly thought a wolverine was a type of wolf. [pullquote position=”left”]So, kudos to an actor who immersed himself in zoology for a part. And now I have to see the original…
Movie Review – Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald
I don’t know what happened with this movie. It looked great from the trailers, and seemed like the story would make sense. The film itself, though, was a big beautiful mess. I’m not even sure what I saw. I’m essentially a Harry Potter expert. I’ve read the books dozens of times, seen the movies…
Virgin Movie Binge Reviews — Rocky 1 and 2
Rocky is something I’ve heard about for all my life, but to be honest, I had never seen any Rocky films. The first Rocky related movie I watched was Creed in 2015, and I thought it was a pretty good movie. Now, as Creed 2 is about to be released, I took on a project…
Quiz – Learn About Marvel Studio’s Great Stan Lee
We just heard (11/12/18) about the sad passing of legendary Marvel Comics superhero creator/movie co-producer Stan Lee, at the impressive age of 95. Mr. Lee had so many influential superhero characters to his name: it’s impossible for anyone not to have been touched in some way by Spider-Man, The Hulk, Iron Man, Thor, Black Panther,…
RIP Stan Lee – you will be missed
We just heard today (11/12/18) about the passing of legendary Marvel Comics superhero creator and movie co-producer Stan Lee, at the age of 95. Not only was he beloved for introducing the world to such enduring characters as as The Hulk, Thor, Black Panther, Dr. Strange, Spider-Man, Iron Man, and the X-Men (among many others),…
Movie Rewatch Review – Patriot Games
Patriot Games was always on my list of favorite films, up until some other good stuff came along (like the Harry Potter films, the Lord of the Rings, The Hunger Games, and even The Martian) to push it off my personal Top Ten List. Still, it’s a very fine movie. Really! The soundtrack and Enya crescendos…
Virgin Movie Review – Gone Girl (with Spoilers)
I feel physically unclean after seeing Gone Girl. Seriously. Please excuse me while I take a scalding shower…. Okay, I’m back. Very clean. HEY, past this point, there be SPOILERS in DETAIL about Gone Girl. I think I washed the stench of evil from my skin. Eeeeevil. E-VIL. The ‘girl’ is the scariest psychotic imaginable.[pullquote]…
Quiz – Liam Neeson Movies
I’ll give you the plot from a Liam Neeson movie, then you give me the movie he was in. [quiz-cat id=”11458″] Hope you enjoyed the quiz about this active action actor! D-Train – movie review D-Train – movie review
Movie Review – Overlord
Overlord wasn’t bad; it wasn’t great but it definitely wasn’t bad. At moments it bordered on campy, and then would flow back into a shoot ’em up thriller. It reminded me of the video games my husband plays. It has that type of feel, not quite real, but with a storyline you hope ends up…