Here’s some info that might help you decide.
You may know that RunPee app users can vote to recommend the 3D version of a movie, or not. (This feature was added in the Fall of 2014.) Since Avengers is already out in some countries we have a decent bank of votes for it. Out of 44 votes 70% of people recommend the 3D version of the movie. However, that’s not a great number compared to other movies. Here’s to total breakdown:
Yes No Title
88% 12% Guardians Of The Galaxy
86% 14% Jupiter Ascending
85% 15% Home
79% 21% Big Hero 6
77% 23% The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies
75% 25% Spongebob Squarepants 2
70% 30% Avengers: Age of Ultron
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57% 43% Exodus: Gods And Kings
57% 43% The Penguins Of Madagascar
55% 45% Insurgent
39% 61% Seventh Son
You can see there are two groupings of votes. Those at 70% and above and those that are below 60%. Avengers is at the bottom of the first group. Maybe this will help if you were on the fence about seeing it in 3D or not.
Personally, I avoid 3D unless it looks really awesome — like Avatar. I’m going to see Avengers Friday in IMAX 2D.
If you see it in 3D try to remember to scroll to the bottom of the Peetime screen and submit your vote.
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