Indie Movie Review – Echoes Of The Past (2021)
Let me get something straight right from the start. Echoes Of The Past was quite hard work. Not because it was badly made or acted but because it was based on a true story that was one of the most appalling examples of humanity or, more accurately, the lack of it: The Kalavryta Massacre (Σφαγή…
Indie Movie Review – The Pilot: A Battle For Survival/Летчик (2021)
Last week I got to review my first ever Kazakh film (Sweetie, You Won’t Believe It/Жаным, ты не поверишь!); both as a viewer and as a reviewer. I said something about previously thinking of foreign films coming from either Europe or the Far East. Getting one from somewhere in between was a bit of a…
Indie Movie Review – Werewolf (Wilkołak)
I’m ashamed to say that I know very little about Poland. I know nothing about the arts, the culture, the history, or the people. I once knew a woman of Polish descent, but that would be a bit like me saying I’m of German descent… theoretically true, but practically pointless. All I know for sure…
Movie Review – The Darkest Hour
There’s really no need for anyone to show up for the Oscars, except for the talented artists involved with *Darkest Hour*. This was by far the best movie I’ve seen all year, and I’ve seen a lot of good (and bad) films. I’m going to stick my neck out and predict that Gary Oldman will…