Tag: Robert downer jr
Movie Review – The Incredible Hulk – Not Bad. Not MCU Good. Watch it and move on to better things…
I finally finished watching The Incredible Hulk last night. The big fight scene with The Abomination is awful. Looks terribly fake and is surprisingly boring. I wanted to skip the whole scene. My idea of a great Peetime is a terrible action sequence. #DontBoreMe I expect better from the MCU. But then, this Hulk…
Best Non-Christmas Christmas Movies
What is a non-Christmas Christmas movie, you ask? I’m happy to explain. It’s a story that takes place over the holiday season but isn’t a Christmas film. The plot isn’t about Santa, reindeer, snowmen, elves, Scroogey Grinches, or magical stockings. Christmas might help the plot along, but these movies stake their tent in the camp…