Tag: Mystery
Movie Review – Suspiria
As Suspiria ended, for the first time in my career, I didn’t have a clue as to what I had just seen. Fortunately, there was a very pleasant young man seated near me who helped shed some light on this confusing piece of work. He referred back to the original, telling me that this movie…
Movie Review – Hunter Killer
It’s movies like this that make me love my job. I went in expecting to be bored since this type of movie never appealed to me. After watching this one, I am going to take the weekend to watch Hunt For Red October and any other submarine movie I can find. My eyes were…
Movie Review – Bad Times at the El Royale
Is Bad Times at the El Royal an Oscar-worthy movie? Probably not. However, there were two performances that do stand out and is, in my opinion, worthy of at least an Oscar nod. Cynthia Erivo, as Darlene Sweet, and Lewis Pullman as Miles Miller, stole the show. Considering that Jeff Bridges always gives an…
Movie Review – Happy Death Day – Very Fun, Almost Cute Horror Film
I was really surprised with this movie. I thought it was going to be totally predictable and played out. They surprised me; it was really good. I loved how the same day would start over and over again. You’d think that it would get boring, but the way they kept switching things up kept you…
Movie Review – Before I Fall
Before I saw this movie, I had geared myself up for a saccharine chick flick. However, instead I saw a well written, well directed, and well acted movie. I wholeheartedly recommend this movie for all age groups. Grade: A About The Peetimes: Before I Fall is a nicely paced movie, allowing for two good Peetimes…
Movie Review – Get Out – Jordan Peele Hits A Home Run
Jordan Peele hit a home run with his first attempt at writing and directing. Get Out was a refreshing look at the horror genre, and I can’t wait to see more of his creative juices. The movie was both frightening and funny, often at the same time. The acting was good, the pacing was perfect,…
Movie Review – Arrival
I think Arrival is the best science fiction movie in years. Personally, I would have to go back to Edge of Tomorrow to find one almost as good. Not that these two movies are remotely alike. Arrival is more related to Contact — with Jodi Foster. Invasion of the Linguists What sets Arrival apart from most…
Movie Review – Gone Girl
This isn’t exactly my favorite genre. Still, I loved 98% of this movie, but I don’t want to say which 2% of the movie I didn’t like, because that might spoil some things for you and I’d hate myself for that, because this is a really good movie — except for the part that isn’t.…