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Tag: movie reviews

  • Blackhat – movie review

    Blackhat – movie review

    Grade: B- When I went to see this movie, I was honestly a little disheartened. It’s not my kind of movie and it just seemed like every other bad guy action movie out there. With that being said, I actually really enjoyed it. The first 45 minutes kind of dragged, but it was worth it.…

  • Spare Parts – movie review

    Spare Parts – movie review

    Grade: B Initially I regarded this movie as predictable and a typical formula flick. However, it went a few steps beyond predictable. George Lopez, Jamie Lee Curtis and Marisa Tomei were very good and quite believable in their rolls, but the real stars were the four young actors that made up the science team. […

  • Paddington – movie review

    Paddington – movie review

    Grade: A Paddington was an un*bear*ably charming movie and sweeter than orange marmalade. (Note: I tried to talk my mother out of that pun but she insisted.) The story was well paced, funny, and well..cuddly. The entire family will enjoy it. I give high marks to Ben Whishaw and the digital artists at Framestore for…

  • American Sniper – movie review

    American Sniper – movie review

    Grade: A- Just when I thought Bradley Cooper was a great actor he turns in a performance like this one and and makes me consider that he’s a *really* great actor. It seems like every movie I see him in he does something different and keeps doing it at a high level. There are many…

  • Maze Runner – movie review

    Maze Runner – movie review

    Grade: D The movie itself was mediocre — not good or bad. Likewise with the acting. The entire cast is comprised of young inexperienced actors who do an average job — which isn’t a bad thing. No one stood out as great but at the same time no one stood out as horrible. The best…

  • The November Man – movie review

    The November Man – movie review

    Grade: B+ November Man is a very good movie, compared to other movies in the genre. But lets face it, the spi-thriller genre is heavily littered with disappointments. Being better than average in this genre isn’t a steep hill to climb. I happen to enjoy this genre pretty well. Thinking back to fairly recent movies…

  • When The Game Stands Tall – movie review

    When The Game Stands Tall – movie review

    Grade: B- This isn’t a movie for movie fans; it’s a movie for football fans, so that’s how I’m going to review it. (Because I am — Roll Tide!) There was a high school football team in the theater with me when I watched the movie. They seemed to enjoy the movie and there were…

  • Expendables 3 movie review

    Expendables 3 movie review

    Grade: C Good news: Expendables 3 is much better than Expendables 2, which was horrible. The plot for Ex3 is about as predictable as a grenade with the pin removed. In this case I’d say that’s a good thing. No one wants plot twists and surprises. Just make up an excuse to amp up the…

  • Into The Storm movie review

    Into The Storm movie review

    Grade: D+ I’m not a big fan of comparing movies but it just makes sense to compare Into The Storm with Twister. Twister had a better story/plot and much better humor. Into The Storm has better graphics. (They have18 years of CGI improvements to work with so it would be a travesty if it didn’t.)…

  • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie review

    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie review

    Grade: D Simply put: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is a kid’s movie. I’m not a TMNT fan and never was. I’ve never seen or read any of their cartoons or comics. Therefore, I can’t say how a lifelong fan will feel about the movie and weather it lived up to any expectations. But if you’re…
