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  • Don’t Stop Me Now – Video and Lyrics by Queen in Shaun of the Dead
    I have two favorite funny zombie films, and alongside the awesome Zombieland, Shaun of the Dead is a near perfect zom-rom-com. (It’s also a great satire about modern man and modern life.) One of the best scenes features the Winchester Pub Team attacking the bar-owner-turned-zombie with pool cues, synchronized to …
  • Quiz – Keanu Reeves And His Many Characters
    This quiz covers the many characters played by Keanu Reeves, in 10 questions. Some answers are obvious, and some may leave you scratching your head. Good Luck! If you enjoyed this quiz, please share it with others on your social media of choice; this helps the RunPee Family a …
  • Movie Review – Escape Room – Surprisingly Lively, Clever, and Fun
      Escape Room is one of those simple little movies that caught me by surprise. I didn’t see any trailers for it, and it looked like a low-grade horror film from the poster. Not the genre I tend to enjoy; I didn’t have any expectations going in. Now I want to shout …
  • Greet the Morning with Groot – Mr. Blue Sky Video and Lyrics
    One of the most memorable scenes in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 is the opening credits, as the adorable Baby Groot dances to ELO’s hit song “Mr. Blue Sky.” What makes this scene so engaging is Groot’s complete obliviousness to his team mates-slash-parents’ danger as they fight a seriously deranged …
  • Waking up to Deadpool – Lyrics and Opening Scene from Angel of the Morning
    I’m not a morning person. That’s why I keep my Alexa unit close to the bed, so I can shake off the cobwebs by playing Juice Newtown’s Angel of the Morning. It’s a soft, gentle, sweet song that wonderfully belies the  gristly hilarious opening teaser for the the original film …
  • The Voice Actors of Spider-Verse
    Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse has a great cast of voice actors. Here’s a breakdown of the actors, and movies where you might have seen them before. (Slighty spoilery; all links are to RunPee’s reviews) Peter Parker is voiced by Chris Pine. This is the first Spiderman we meet when the movie opens. Chris Pine …
  • Is Bumblebee a prequel or a reboot?
    Prequel or reboot. Or, soft-reboot — whatever that is.  Just where does Bumblebee fit in the Transformers universe? Officially, Bumblebee is a prequel, set in 1987. But when you watch the movie you better wear your best retcon glasses, because there’s a lot that just can’t fit with the story we already …
  • Best Non-Christmas Christmas Movies
    What is a non-Christmas Christmas movie, you ask? I’m happy to explain. It’s a story that takes place over the holiday season but isn’t a Christmas film. The plot isn’t about Santa, reindeer, snowmen, elves, Scroogey Grinches, or magical stockings. Christmas might help the plot along, but these movies stake …
  • Movie Review – Mortal Engines
      I’m still digesting this pretty darn awesome movie. I’ll just say I’ve never seen a better Steampunk film (not that there’s a lot out there…). This has interesting characters, amazing world-building, and spectacular set-pieces. It’s a brilliant effort by the producers of The Lord of The Rings. I’m a happy …
  • Movie Review – The Mule
      Clint, how do you do it? Year after year, for how many years now? 50? 60? Do you ever get tired? Is it ever hard to drag yourself out of bed and face the cameras? I ask these questions because after seeing The Mule, I have to accept the fact …
  • Movie Review – Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
    As my faithful followers know, I always review a movie based on the response of the target audience. Okay, that being said, I saw this movie with my 6 year old great-granddaughter. The child never took her eyes off the screen; she even forgot about the candy I purchased for …
  • Movie Review – Once Upon A Deadpool
      The Deadpool Before Christmas was hard to grade. I had to wonder if it’s better than the original Deadpool 2, if it added anything impressive to the canon, and if it’s worth spending your cash on what amounts to a re-tread of the same movie you saw last summer. For real …
  • Deadpool PG-13 wants to Cure Cancer with Your Movie Money
    According to the Wikipedia, the PG-13 holiday special of The Deadpool Before Christmas only happened because Reynolds insisted charities should benefit. Awwww! I never knew Reynolds was secretly a sweetheart, but maybe we should have guessed it: he’s confirmed Deadpool is indeed a member of the Hogwarts House Hufflepuff, where …
  • A Slightly More Than Casual Fan’s Reaction to Avenger 4 Trailer 1
    Guest article by Christopher Estrada WARNING! Spoilers ahead for Avengers: Infinity War, Ant-Man and The Wasp, and the trailer for Avengers: End Game.  Wow… Iron Man’s helmet really looks beaten… Because it was. And he was. Pretty severely when Thanos nearly snuffed out the life of Tony Stark. I didn’t expect Tony to …
  • Avengers 4 Endgame – First Trailer Review
    Oh dear Thor! I’m sitting here sobbing my heart out. I just watched the first (amazing!) trailer for Avengers 4, which finally has a title: Avengers: Endgame. It’s under three minutes long and I’m a mess. Just like I was at the end of Avengers: Infinity War. As soon as …
  • Movie Review – Aquaman
    What does DC have to do to shake off the feeling that it’s the poor man’s Marvel? For starters: make better movies. I’m not saying Aquaman is bad. Far from it. It’s a decent movie despite being as predictable as it is visually appealing. But it’s no better than the first Thor …
  • Quiz – Mike Morales as the Spider-verse’s New Spider-Man
    This quiz deals with the history of Marvel comic’s “other” Spider-Man — Miles Morales (showcased in Into the Spider-verse), and how he became a superhero. If you’ve been a life-long fan of Morales, you won’t find this quiz too difficult. Until I started researching Morales, I had no idea how convoluted …
  • Virgin Movie Review – Planet of the Apes (2001)
    Who knew Tim Burton could direct a grand scale epic adventure? I always thought his specialty was weirdos doing wacky things. But I was surprised and pleased with how much I enjoyed this 2001 version of Planet of the Apes, especially since I’m not impressed with the more recent trilogy. I …
  • What DC Can Learn from Marvel Movies
    This awesome 10-minute video (below) by ScreenRant picks apart how and why the Marvel Cinematic Universe kills it over the DC Extended Universe. You may be a bigger DC fan over Marvel, but it’s hard to argue the MCU movies are more inspiring, with strong character beats and good-natured humor…while …
  • Video – How Marvel Finally Got Thor Right
    Is Thor your favorite Avenger? Did the Ragnarok movie change your feeling towards him as a legitimate character? This 10 minute video breaks apart the progression of the “Strongest Avenger” and tells us how he went from meh to awesome, becoming the character we most root (Groot for?) for by the …
  • A Novice Watches Rocky (1976)
    I’d never seen the original 1976 Rocky in the past, because it seemed to be a “boxing” movie, and watching people hit each other into a bloody mess has never been my bag. Somewhere along the line I watched Rocky III, which was a decent enough film. It was sad …
  • Why Fantastic Beasts 2 is not so Fantastic
    I feel like a guilty Gryffindor, A Harry Potter heel, and a bad geek, because I have such confused thoughts about Fantastic Beasts: the Crimes of Grindelwald. I’m supposed to love it: I’m a crazy fan for everything Harry Potter. I even came around on the first Fantastic Beasts & …
  • Why The Last Jedi Sucked
    Did you like Star Wars: The Last Jedi? Are you still on the fence? I don’t think anyone would say it doesn’t look pretty. It looks expensive, and on the surface seems like it belongs in the Star Wars galaxy (the one that is long ago and far away). It’s got …
  • The Deadpool Before Christmas
    We’re beside ourselves with Christmas joy over this one: IT’S THE DEADPOOL BEFORE CHRISTMAS!  What a fantastic gift for the fans. Ryan Reynolds is my new bestest friend. And then there’s Fred Savage, who’s just annoyed at the whole thing. He seriously needs to be booped on the nose. Really. Because …
  • Can Dune be done? Should Dune be done? Bringing Long Books to the Screen
    Until the last generation, when Peter Jackson proved The Lord of the Rings could not only be made into a successful film — but be so off-the-charts good that it took home 11 Oscar Awards — it was unheard of to succeed at translating most of the great sci-fi and …
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