Search results for: “mission impossible”
in BlockbusterIt’s not unheard of for two big films to be released in the same week. That usually boils down to being released on the same day. The Exorcist & The Sting, Die Hard & A Fish Called Wanda, The Matrix & Ten Things I Hate About You, and The Dark Knight & Mamma Mia are…
Movie Review – Asteroid City
One of my father’s shortcomings was his unfailing conviction that what he knew that what he had seen before was always better than a new version. The new version of Batman/Doctor Who/Mission: Impossible/anything really was never as good as the one he’d seen. “Bah…it’s not as good as the original” he’d say. Invariably, before he’d…
RunPee Hub Of Hubs
in HubHere in RunPee Towers we are known for our thousands of articles: reviews, essays, blockbuster predictions, and biographies. Then, when we get a few on a common topic we like to make a hub so that it is a bit easier to find all our words of wisdom. And now we have reached the point…
The Top 5 Most Iconic Sports Scenes to Watch Without Interruptions
in ListSports movies are a beloved genre that allows viewers to experience the excitement, drama, and triumphs of athletic competition from the comfort of their homes. Some sports scenes are so iconic that they can be watched without interruptions and still evoke strong emotions in the viewer. In this article, we will take a look at…
A Future Bond and Blofeld? Tom Holland and Harry Melling!
in Bond 007It’s 2033 and the argument/debate/wrangling/discussions/squabbling over who is going to be the next James Bond still haven’t been resolved. “We have to make sure that we get the right person for this most iconic of roles” has become something of a mantra being heard chanted with the offices of Eon Productions. Personally, I am of…
Blockbuster Timeline
This list is obviously a non-ending work in progress. Unless there’s an ELE (Extinction Level Event) that wipes out humanity. In that case, I assume we’ll stop updating this content. 🙂 If you have a tip for some breaking movie news to add to our list please email us [email protected]. 2023 | 2024 |…
People Complain About Long Movies But Those Movies Get The Best Ratings
“Movies are getting so long!” That’s a common refrain we hear frequently, even though it’s not really true. That got me to thinking, how do people rate movies based on movie runtime? Thanks to the Peeple’s Poll we have the data, so I dug into it and created the infographic below. What all those bars represent…