Category: Behind the Scenes at RunPee
Full Transparency-RunPee app income and expenses
Above is a chart going back to January 2023 of the RunPee income and expenses, broken down by Google, Apple, and direct donations via PayPal/Venmo. February 2025 in review This was an atypical February, in a good way. There weren’t that many popular movies to see, and I watched a bunch of them myself, so…
My New Day Job
RunPee has been great to me over the years, but since the Covid pandemic, it’s not made a livable wage. RunPee has essentially become a time-consuming hobby. I go to one or two, occasionally three, movies a week, and manage the customer feedback and such. Fortunately, the app is pretty stable and doesn’t require much…
What are the hardest movies to find Peetimes for?
One of the most common questions I’m asked is, “What was the hardest movie to find Peetimes for?” When I get to the #1 answer—below—I’m sure you’ll say to yourself, “Yeah, that makes sense.” (Are you trying to guess the answer now? Remember, RunPee launched in 2008, so it’s a movie that has come out…
RunFREE: no more Peecoins
From day one, trying to figure out how best to monetize the RunPee app has been the biggest challenge. For better or for worse, I think the challenge is pretty much over. Sink or swim; I have crossed the Rubicon. After this, I don’t think there’s much I can do to change the monetization options…
Looking for a WordPress Master
In case you haven’t noticed, this blog needs some TLC. I was searching for help managing this WordPress blog on Fiverr but I thought it would be better to consult the RunPee community and see if there’s anyone out there who can help. If possible, I’d like to keep it in the family. I would…
What is the perfect time to run and pee during a movie?
Your bladders have spoken, and we were listening. Infinity Peecoin owners, who were using the RunPee Timer, were given the option record when they finished using a Peetime. Basically, there was a button on the Synopsis Screen that said, “When you’re back in your seat please press to record how long it took you to…
Holy bladder-bursters Batman, your new film is almost 3 hours long
The Batman, starring Robert Pattinson as Batman, is set to open in theaters on March 4th, 2020. Brace yourself, because the movie runtime is reported to be two hours and fifty-five minutes (175 min), with the last eight minutes being the credits. It’s currently unknown if there is an extra scene during, or after, the end…
2021 Peeple’s Poll Year End Review
For those who don’t know, the Peeple’s Poll is the rating system we have in the RunPee app. Because our app is meant to be used during a movie we can ask users to provide their Expectation Rating before they see the movie. Then after the movie they can add their After Movie Rating. Ranked by…