Category: -genres
Why RunPee is Not a Trending Topic on Twitter
in HumorWell, I FINALLY figured out why – with all the Tweeting about RunPee – we’ve never made it as a Twitter “Trending Topic.” Apparently, you have to be insane. For example, here is a series of Tweets over a three minute span, about the USA TV show Burn Notice: FleurDeLyn @BurnNotice_USA Burn Notice Burn Notice…
GI Joe and the GI Tract – Another Fun RunPee Movie Poster
GIs need to take good care of their GI tracts. Our man Joe knows when to RunPee: Go get your for PeeTimes for GI Joe – The Rise of Cobra!
RunPee is Tweeting Too Hard
We found a cute Tweet meme called TweetingtooHard and wanted to be a part of it. Basically, it’s a application where people submit boastful, self-serving, backpatting tweets. Here is Dan’s beaut: RunPee: “Trying real hard to keep it humble.But 15,900 results for Googling “RunPee Genius” is making it difficult.” *** We’re at Number Three in…
Harry Potter and the Urine Points – Chinese Translation
I love reading reviews of, but the best is reading a Chinese translation. BOOM! Chinese review of RunPee and the new Harry Potter movie FYI – RunPee is HUGE is China. We are talking our most avid readers, devourers of PeeTimes. We’re working right now on a Chinese version of the site to accomodate…
Original PeeTimes from Harry Potter Found in Garbage
Orlando, FL – Though they were thought to have been lost forever, the original notes from which the PeeTimes for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince are based on, have been found. Archaeologists working in the kitchen where Dan Florio – AKA polyGeek – lives, unearthed these fragile documents from beneath a layer of day…
Buy a Lifesize Urinary Bladder with Two Kidneys
If you’ve ever wondered just WHERE you could get yourself your very own life-size bladder and kidney replica, look no more. We’ve found it for you at These babies are “natural sized” and look just like what you carry around inside your torso (we assume). Also includes ureters, adrenal glands, a prostate of your…
Why We’re Not RunPoo
A few RunPee fans have asked why we don’t list PooTimes, or wondered why we don’t start a sister site about pooping during movies. I know it’s all in good fun, but to answer a silly question seriously, we really think that if you have to RunPoo during a film, it’s probably pretty urgent. You…
The Pee Pee Bottle for Toddlers and RunPee Users
in HumorI so want a Pee Pee Bottle. I saw this online and thought to myself, “self, what you need is a pot to piss in/bottle to pee in.” I know it’s for children, but HEY, they come in pink or blue and say “Pee Pee” on them. They look easy enough for a gal to…
Movie Review – Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Let me start by saying that I’m not a big Harry Potter fan. I’ve seen all of the movies and thought they were okay. But I haven’t read any of the books. And I’m a huge Lord of the Rings fan – both of the books and movies. I must confess that I didn’t like…