Category: -genres
Do you know what SHAZAM Stands For?
Shazam is not actually a name. It’s not an expletive either, although shouting SHAZAM! sounds like one. Shazam is shorthand for various mythical gods and demi-gods who lend their immense powerful attributes to a chosen DC Champion. Do you know offhand who these mythological Shazam characters reference? Maybe you can guess. Or you might squeak…
Did YOU Survive The Snap? You may as well get this over with…
It’s been a year ago now, at the end of Avengers: Infinity War. Almost as soon as Thanos got his “mitts” on every stone for the The Infinity Gauntlet, he snapped his giant purple fingers and snuffed out half of all living beings in the universe — people both good and bad, rich and poor,…
Ask The Magic 8 Ball – Will I need the RunPee app during Avengers Endgame?
Avengers: Endgame is confirmed as over THREE bladder bursting hours long — and every report says you won’t want to miss a single second of it — not even during the credits. Trust the Magic 8 Ball to prophesize if you’ll need the RunPee app: RunPee will absolutely have Peetimes opening night, and your bladder…
Did Jordan Peele Play Fair? Easter Eggs You Might Have Missed On Your First Viewing of Us
Jordan Peele made a splash with the satiric horror film Get Out and even won an Oscar for Best Original Screenplay. His new movie Us proves he’s not just a one-hit wonder, but a visionary filmmaker who will keep surprising, delighting, and frightening us for years to come. (He’s already in talks to do a…
Spoiler Avoidance Strategies If You Can’t See Endgame Opening Night
Chances are good most Marvel fans won’t get to see the long-awaited Avengers: Endgame film on April 26th’s opening night. There just won’t be any tickets left. If you’ve been following the 22-movie superhero saga, waiting will be hard to handle. Damn hard. Some of us are feverish with hope and apprehension to learn how…
Movie Review – The Best of Enemies
This biopic is set in Durham, North Carolina, in 1971. First of all, the plot took me by surprise, given the magnitude of racial tension that still exists. This is not your normal racially-charged kind of black-versus-white-movie where tensions escalate, folks get hung, justice is never served, and everyone walks out the movie theater quiet…
Movie Review – Pet Sematary – A Worthy Adaptation
The newest adaptation of Stephen King’s novel, Pet Sematary, was a solid remake. Thirty years after the original release, the makers attempted to revive their cult classic film. That’s a huge undertaking, and an enormous gamble, considering the die-hard fans of the original. To please or not to please — that is the question. They…
Movie Review – Shazam! – Great for Tweens, Less So for Adults
I’ll start by setting the context: I love action/superhero movies, but never read any comics. So, I’m basing this review strictly on how I see the movie, not how it compares to any other body of work. The Good: While I definitely didn’t like the movie, I’m sure young boys under 12 years old or…
Avengers Endgame Tickets Selling for $9,199 on Ebay as MCU Fans Lose Their Minds
People are buying Avengers: Endgame opening night tickets for $500 a piece on eBay. Yes. We live in a world where this is now a thing. …UPDATE 4/6/19: There is now a sold listing on eBay with pair of tickets for $9,199 for April 28. (See screenshot below.)That’s two nights AFTER Endgame premiers. Almost 10…
The 59 Hour MCU Rewatch Marathon Means the RunPee App is a MUST Have for Your Bladder
AMC Theaters announced they are doing a 59 hour movie marathon of all 22 MCU movies before the premier of Avengers: Endgame. That’s everything and everyone in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, from Iron Man 1 (2008) to Captain Marvel (2019)…followed by an early screening of Endgame. We are talking 59 hours and seven minutes of butt-time…