Author: Jill Florio
Movie Review – Kin
Personally, I didn’t like this movie. I was expecting some sci-fi action and a futuristic dystopia…and what I got was a boring gangster film. Seriously, not my gig. I would have walked out if I didn’t have to cover it for RunPee. I’m actually mad at this film: it presented itself as a young-adult/sci-fi/dystopian film.…
Every Groundhog Day Type Movie & TV Episode – The Ultimate Repeating Day List
Here it is: the internet’s top list of every Groundhog Day Loop film or television episode for you to track down and watch (and we add more all the time) Groundhog Day is February 2nd in the US, and it’s a truly bizarre national holiday. The premise: a large rodent might see its shadow, predicting…
Why Vision Could Lift Thor’s Hammer
While Thor’s hammer is now crushed, there are still some unanswered questions about who could lift it and why, and who is considered “worthy.” What is worthy, exactly? And why could an an artificial being like The Vision lift it so effortlessly? Of course, there are the meta answers: the production team decided it would…
Star Wars A New Hope – Symphony & Movie
This week I was treated to an outdoor, live symphony in San Diego (at the Embarcadero Marina Park South, August 18, 2018) playing to a large screen-film showing of Star Wars: A New Hope. To say it was spellbinding would be an understatement. I haven’t seen A New Hope (just called Star Wars, back in…
How The Avengers Get Off Titan After Infinity War
Be it known — spoilers ahead for Infinity War and Ant Man & the Wasp. If you’re up to date with the 20 current Avengers-universe movies, you might recall there are some heroes left behind on Thanos’ home world of Titan, presumably stranded. How will those “left behind” by the dusting get reunited with Earth…
Star Trek Movies Lose Both Chrises
Paramount’s rebooted Star Trek movie franchise has a Chris Crisis. Or maybe we should call this A Tale of Two Chrises. As of this week, the current Trek feature films lost both of their actors named Chris — as in Pine (James T. Kirk) and Hemsworth (James T. Kirk’s late father George). Both men reportedly walked…
Star Trek Characters We Should See Again on the Picard Show
Sir Patrick Stewart, in an emotional surprise speech this month at the 2018 Las Vegas Star Trek Convention, announced that Jean-Luc Picard is back. CBS, on their All-Access subscription streaming channel, will be gifting us a new Star Trek show centered around the beloved Picard character. It’s set to premier in the fall of 2019, to…
RIP Mjölnir – Who Can Lift Thor’s Hammer?
Who could pick up Mjölnir, beloved Hammer of Thor, God of Thunder? Who is considered worthy? What does worthy even mean in this context? This topic is no longer relevant, post-Infinity War, but the immensity of the Marvel Cinematic Universe lends itself to fun lists. So…who besides Thor was able to wield the late, sorely-missed hammer?…
10 Ways Ant Man Could Escape the Quantum Realm
Spoilers for Infinity War, and of course Ant Man & the Wasp…don’t bother reading if you haven’t seen those two movies. This will all be gibberish to you anyway if you’re not up to date. Onward… So, that ending in Ant Man 2. It’s nice that Scott Lang finally has a superhero partner, and an…
Best Non-Jaws Shark Gems
—- I really had no idea how MANY shark movies have come up since the 1775 blockbuster of Jaws. It seems that 75 shark-ish films have come along the way….which are worth seeing? Welllll, this article gives me a place to start, and none of have like ummm… titles SnowShark, SandShark, SwampShark, Sharktopopus, or SharkAvalanch.…