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Author: RunPee Mom

  • Movie Review – The Circle

    Grade – C+ (a little bit above average) Imagine if Facebook and Google got married, had a monster-child, and named it Circle. There you have it. Could this really happen? Yes indeed, and to take that one step further, I’ll wager that there’s a monster-child already gestating out there in cyber space. The Circle had…

  • Movie Review – Going in Style

    Zach Braff does an excellent job reviving the 1979 movie of the same name, starring Art Carney and George Burns. The replacement actors (Michael Caine, Morgan Freeman, and Alan Arkin) brought their A game, and gave us a fresh look at an old classic. Critics will say this is a tired plot that’s been done…

  • Movie Review – The Zookeeper’s Wife

    The Zookeeper’s Wife isn’t for everyone. Animal lovers may be excited to see this movie, but I’ll warn you now: this is a gut wrenching movie and not for the faint of heart, especially for the above mentioned animal lovers. The sight of caged animals blown apart by bombs, or brutally shot by Nazi soldiers,…

  • Movie Review – Before I Fall

    Before I saw this movie, I had geared myself up for a saccharine chick flick. However, instead I saw a well written, well directed, and well acted movie. I wholeheartedly recommend this movie for all age groups. Grade: A About The Peetimes: Before I Fall is a nicely paced movie, allowing for two good Peetimes…

  • Movie Review – Power Rangers

    I’m giving Power Rangers an ‘A’ for one reason only: the audience. At my theater, the audience was very involved with the movie. They clapped, cheered, booed, and laughed themselves silly. This was the first showing for the movie at my theater, and I was stunned at the long line waiting to get seated. The…

  • Movie Review – Split

    M. Night Shyamalan is back, and has brought with him what is likely the best movie he’ll ever make. The down side is that it was released so early in the year, and the Oscar committee has a ridiculously short memory. For certain, James McAvoy deserves an Oscar nod for his role, as Kevin Crumb,…

  • Movie Review – La La Land

    As always, I address my reviews to the target audience. If you enjoy musicals, La La Land will be your favorite movie of the year. Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone were so absolutely adorable, and their on screen chemistry just about set the film on fire. If you’re not a fan of musicals there’s no…

  • Movie Review – Sully

      Being a retired flight attendant who was based in New York, and having flown out of LaGuardia airport frequently, gave me a unique perspective on this movie. I can’t say that I was looking forward to seeing ‘Sully’. I was flying out of New York during 9/11 and lost many peers and one good…

  • Movie Review – Minions

    Another outstanding movie in the Despicable franchise. Heads up parents: you’re going to laugh right along with the kiddies, and even when the kiddies aren’t laughing. The sound track for Minions is right out of the 60’s and heavy on The Beatles, so even grandparents will be entertained. I liked the story, which is actually…

  • Aloha – movie review

    Aloha – movie review

    Grade: C- I love Bill Murray. That being said, I must believe that he took the roll of Carson Welsh because his little buddy from St. Vincent, Jaeden Lieberher, was also in Aloha. As for the other big names, Bradley Cooper, Emma Watson and Rachel McAdams: they showed up, and spoke their lines, but I…
