Author: Dan Gardner
Vibration tips
in RunPee FAQsLet me start by explaining that the RunPee app can only suggest that the phone vibrate. The operating system – whether it’s iOS or Android – decides if the phone will actually vibrate based on the phone’s state and the vibration settings. Let’s start by going to the “Timer Help” screen – press the button at…
Movie Review – Edge of Tomorrow (Live. Die. Repeat.)
I love Groundhog Day stories and I’ve been looking forward to this movie since the first time I saw the previews. I was *hoping* it would rank as one of the classic Sci-Fi movies. However, I expected it would just be a good movie that might be worth rewatching again a year from now. I…
Maleficent – movie review
Grade: B- After seeing what Maleficent – Angelina Jolie – looked like in the previews I had hopes this was going to be a strictly adult oriented movie. That’s not the case. The movie, especially the first 30 minutes, is very much oriented toward children. There is a frequent voice over that tells us what’s…
X-Men: Days of Future Past – movie review
Grade: A Brian Singer (director), and the writers, set the bar sky high in this film. It’s going to be a chore to top this in the scheduled X-Men sequel, due May 27, 2016. The acting was spectacular. All the main characters are reprising roles that they have already performed with aplomb. However, I think Hugh…
Million Dollar Arm
Grade: B- Million Dollar Arm was a good movie, but I doubt anyone’s going to put it on their list of favorite inspirational sports movies. The performances were all solid. John Hamm especially stood out, which is good since he’s the main character. He does a good job with his expressions saying more than his…
Movie Review – Godzilla (2014) – This Godzilla Should Have Been Better
Let me say up front that I enjoyed Godzilla. The movie rolled along at a decent pace and had a few good visual scenes. And I think the creators did a decent job of bridging the classic feel of the Godzilla movies with modern movie making. That said, I thought the movie fell way short…
Mom’s Night Out – movie review
Grade: B- Because of the way movie releases shook out this week I had to see *Mom’s Night Out* – not exactly my genre. Going in I hadn’t seen a single preview for this movie, a rarity, so I had no expectations whatsoever. *Mom’s Night Out* isn’t a good movie, but you’re probably going to…
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 – movie review
Grade: C+ Overall I’m not terribly impressed with Spider-Man 2, but I’ve not been much impressed with any of the movies in either Spider-Man series. My general feeling is that the characters, especially the villains, lack depth and believable motivation – more on that later. The story was a little jumpy to me. There’s apparently…
Transcendence – movie review
Grade: C I didn’t find Transcendence to be bad, but I didn’t think it was very good either. First, the opening scene in the movie is 5 years after the events that transpire. It leaves no room for suspense during the movie because you already know pretty much how things turn out – not well.…
Draft Day – movie review
Grade: B+ I’m a huge football fan. (Roll Tide) When I first saw the previews to Draft Day I thought, “Okay, maybe hard core football fans can get behind this but no one else is going to want to see it.” Then I discovered that it’s directed by Ivan Reitman, who also directed Dave, Ghost…