Author: Dan Gardner
Movie Review – Avengers Infinity War – An Unrivaled Marvel Epic
I have to hand it to the MCU creative team. They delivered an epic. Step back and think about that for a second. The lead up to this movie was 10 years in the making; it has a cast of characters that sprawls for pages, yet we know every one of them better than we…
Movie Review – Super Troopers 2
This movie gets an “F” and it’s not short for “funny.” I don’t find this type of movie remotely funny, but if this is the sort of thing you like I’d highly recommend waiting for the DVD, and watching it at home where you can relax and enjoy it in an altered state of consciousness.…
Movie Review: Rampage
Bacon cheese burgers. When you see it on the menu you know you want it. But you also know you shouldn’t have it. You scan the menu. Salad? Yeah, right. Pasta dish? Ummmm, maybe. But you keep coming back to that BCB. You’re still not decided when the waiter asks for your order, but your…
Is there anything extra during the end credits of Avengers: Infinity War?
Yes, there are extra scenes during, or after, the end credits of Avengers: Infinity War. View details and movie information…
Movie review: The Miracle Season
I am quite obviously not the target audience for this movie: 50 year old male. However, even I was moved by the story. No one is going to win an award for creating, or performing, in this movie, but that doesn’t mean that they didn’t do their jobs. I felt like all of the actors…
Movie Review – A Quiet Place (Spoiler-free)
It is truly amazing this movie is able to pack so much into so little. It’s a short movie, only 1:23 not counting the credits, and yet it feels like two hours. And there’s barely enough dialog to fill a sheet of paper: it feels like we know every character’s life stories. Right out of…
Movie Review -Ready Player One
Ready Player One: a likable, but not lovable movie. [pullquote]The plot is about as predictable as a row of Space Invaders.[/pullquote] I think the writers figured the target audience (teenagers) aren’t mature enough to notice the clichés and the older crowd would be placated with the numerous 80’s pop culture references. (OMG, that’s me. I’m the older crowd! When…
Movie Review – Pacific Rim: Uprising
I loved the first Pacific Rim. (PR1) Okay, to be honest, I wasn’t crazy about it right off the bat, but it did grow on me. I’ve probably rewatched it a dozen times, here and there, over the years. It’s a great movie to have on in the background while working. Obviously, I was really…
Movie Review – Solo: A Star Wars Story
I’m certainly not disappointed. I think this one was better than the other new Star Wars movies, except for Rogue One. I’m impressed that they managed to hit all of the important back story elements to Han’s character, without it feeling forced or cheesy. My only complaint is that the story dragged on a bit,…
Movie review: Tomb Raider
This movie follows the textbook outline for Writing Action Movies for DUMMIES perfectly. I’m not trying to imply that Tomb Raider was horrible — it’s just incredibly predictable. That’s why the “C” grade I gave it is smack in the middle of average. It’s important to remember: this is a story that began as a video game.…