Tag: poker
Top Twenty Games on Star Trek – Including Poker, Dabo, 3-D Chess, Fizzbin, and Tongo
Because I’m a good geek, I wrote a quick post about Star Trek: The Next Generation and poker. There’s a few more Star Trek games to discuss: 3-D Chess, Strategema, Darts, Tongo, Dabo, Pool, and of course, the time-honored game of Fizzbin. And that’s not even all of the games Star Trek made-up or showcased…
Movie Review – Molly’s Game
80% from Rotten Tomatoes says it all. If you’ve ever thought to yourself, ‘I’d really like to learn to play poker, but there’s no one to teach me’…then just watch this movie: it’s a two hour tutorial on how to play, and how not to try earning a living from this volatile game. I’ve been…