Tag: alfred hitchcock
What is a MacGuffin? Top Movie MacGuffins, Explained
A MacGuffin is any object that drives the plot and motivates the characters in a movie. You might have seen the name “MacGuffins” over bar bistros in the lobbies of many AMC theaters. That’s an industry in-joke. It sounds like the name of an Irish pub, but it’s really a nod to a long standing…
Movies Mentioning Pee – fun film clips
RunPee is about Pee. Okay…um: I should rephrase that. We’re about movies. But pee was the inspiration, and as Alfred Hitchcock famously said, “The length of a film should be directly related to the endurance of the human bladder.” This isn’t really the case in modern times, most especially with blockbusters. We at RunPee tend…