The app that tells you the best time to run and pee during a movie without missing the best scenes.

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Category: Interviews

  • An Interview with RunPee Mom

    An Interview with RunPee Mom

    Ginger “Sarcasm is my middle name” Gardner, AKA Dearest, best known here as RunPee Mom, is a staunch supporter and utterly crucial pillar to the RunPee enterprise. She sees movies every week – sometimes more than one film – and carries the ball for the business when the rest us of have to drop it.…

  • What a difference a TODAY makes

    What a difference a TODAY makes

    Yesterday ( December 19th, 2012 ) on the morning news TODAY Show Jenna Wolfe ( @JennaWolf ) had a short 3 minute segment talking about the trend for very long movies. You can see the video below. At the end of the segment Jenna mentions the RunPee app as a solution to the problem of…

  • A Conversation with RunPee Fans

    You know what I love about RunPee fans? They are so nuts about my wacky app. I think everyone can agree that it’s about the most bizarre, some say genius, idea to come along in a long time. And some fans, some call them fanatics, just love to hoot and holler about it. And to…

  • Awards


    There’s not exactly a lot of awards out there for the best mobile application to help someone pee. But we’ve done fairly well for ourselves by winning an award or two. got NETTED by the Webbys: The Best User-Generated Strategic Guide To Optimal Movie Pee-Break Moments Ever. named the RunPee iPhone app a…

  • In the news

    In the news

    RunPee news coverage has been frankly phenomenal. I am grateful and appreciative for all the props, and would like to say thank you to everyone who called RunPee genius. And brilliant. 🙂 Videos and TV Spots about RunPee Radio Interviews with Podcasts iPhone App Reviews Android App Reviews Videos about RunPee Newspapers and Magazines News…