Author: Rob Williams
Jurassic Park 30th Anniversary Screening
I really do enjoy this new thing of showing classic films in the cinema. Over the last few years I’ve seen Die Hard, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Superman, Cabaret, and others. Not to mention the annual Christmas Eve showing of It’s A Wonderful Life. Sometimes it brings back memories of seeing films when they first…
Indie Movie Review – Mercy Falls
You know how it is, you are following a well worn path, you take a wrong turn, and the next thing you know is you are totally lost. That’s the basis for many a “lost in the wilderness”/“slasher in the woods”/“oops, where’s the cabin” type film. The thing is that those sort of films are…
RunPee Jurassic Park Hub
in HubAh, dinosaurs! There’s something about them that all ages find fascinating. Toddlers to dodderers; there is a decent sized cohort in every age group. And within each age group there is a whole range of expertise. Some can identify them all; from Aardonyx to Zupaysaurus. Others struggle to tell a Brontosaurus from a Thesaurus.…
Indie Movie Review – Minore
It’s funny how, sometimes, you can see something and it reminds you of something totally different. In this case the thing I saw was the Anglo-Greek film Minore and it reminded me of something that resonates with me for a variety of reasons…Dylan Thomas’ Under Milk Wood. Why does an almost seventy year old radio…
Indie Short Review – To Fire You Come At Last
I’ll be honest and say from the start that there isn’t a great deal of chance that many people will get to see To Fire You Come At Last. Not because it is a bad film…it isn’t, but because it has two big strikes against it; it is an small budget independent film and it…
Indie Movie Review – Piper
As I’ve mentioned elsewhere, if you have a good story then you don’t just use it once! Whereas A Christmas Carol came from a novella written in 1843’s London, the story behind Piper dates back to the Middle Ages and from Hamelin, Germany when it was originally known as Der Rattenfänger von Hameln. In this…
Best Of British Biographies – Tilda Swinton
in BiographyAh, Tilda Swinton! Where does one begin when talking about such a skilled and versatile actor? An actor who is simultaneously androgynous and feminine while epitomising the essence of enigmatic, ethereal, and mystical beings from any mythology or religion you care to mention. She can be otherworldly in one project and totally down to earth…
Movie Review – Gran Turismo
It’s not often that I get to review the new releases but the ongoing SAG-AFTRA strike has managed to prevent Gran Turismo being released in the USA for a couple of weeks. There were, apparently, some sneak previews across the pond but not the full release that was planned. It opened here last Friday so…
1998 – It Was A Very Good Year
Ah 1998, what a year! Google was founded. Andrew Wakefield published his heavily manipulated study findings in The Lancet which lead to the whole Anti-Vax movement donning their tin foil helmets. The Good Friday Agreement brought relative peace to Northern Ireland. The International Space Station became international when the Unity and Zarya modules connected. The…
Best Of British Biographies – Ruth Wilson
in BiographyThe beauty of being the one who chooses which articles I write is, quite simply, I get to choose and I choose the people I like. I chose Danny Boyle and Christopher Nolan because I like their films. I chose Roger Allam because I love his voice. Bill Nighy is like your favourite uncle. Miriam…