The app that tells you the best time to run and pee during a movie without missing the best scenes.

100% free (donation supported) iPhone | Android

Author: Jill Florio

  • Movie review : Orphan

    Orphan PeeTimes for Orphan are up. Our reviewer told us there is only one decent PeeTime (35 minutes in), so we suggest using that as a proactive pee break. That way you can enjoy the non-stop second half of the movie! CREEPY! ——————————————– What do you think about Orphan? Share your thoughts about the movie…

  • Why We’re Not RunPoo

    A few RunPee fans have asked why we don’t list PooTimes, or wondered why we don’t start a sister site about pooping during movies. I know it’s all in good fun, but to answer a silly question seriously, we really think that if you have to RunPoo during a film, it’s probably pretty urgent. You…

  • RunPee FAQ Updated

    Things are happening fast behind the scenes here at RunPee Central, so it was high time to update our RunPee FAQ Page. We added information on our new RunPee iPhone app, on other Smartphone apps a-brewing for you, and added links to useful stuff like how we make a PeeTime. As in exactly how we…

  • How to Use PeeTimes at

    We often get people wondering how to use RunPee app. It’s really very easy to be armed with proper PeeTimes at the movie theater, and relax…knowing you won’t waste your theater ticket money by leaving at inopportune moments. Easy Steps for Using PeeTimes.              

  • The Pee Pee Bottle for Toddlers and RunPee Users

    I so want a Pee Pee Bottle. I saw this online and thought to myself, “self, what you need is a pot to piss in/bottle to pee in.” I know it’s for children, but HEY, they come in pink or blue and say “Pee Pee” on them. They look easy enough for a gal to…

  • Are Modern Movies Too Long?

    Bladder Bursting Blockbusters – are modern movies too long? As Alfred Hitchcock said, “The length of a film should be directly related to the endurance of the human bladder.” Beautifully said and appropriate for most films. The above-linked Yahoo News Story lists wonderful films clocking in at 90 minutes – Star Wars, Raiders of the…

  • RunPee Rescues Moms and Kids Finding Best Bladder Breaks at Movies

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE new iPHONE App – Helps Moms and Kids Handle Bathroom Emergencies during movies without missing important scenes Southern California – July 15, 2009 — Awesome new website and iPhone application helps moms assure that their children(and they) can take a bathroom break during the movie without missing important elements to the…

  • New Transformers Review posted on RunPee

    RunPee has a new movie reviewer for Science Fiction movies in the esteemed Michelle Taylor, Science Fiction Movies Editor at She’s posted her Transformers review on our blog –> Transformers : Revenge of the Fallen <– (it’s a cool review) From Michelle Taylor’s bio on As far as movies go, I am not…

  • Femeze Incontinence Panties – not granny-like at all!

    Always on the lookout for ways to improve people’s lives bladder-wise, RunPee found a dainty form of “stress incontinence” control in these normal-looling women’s panties by Femeeze. I am not sure what stress incontinence is firsthand, but I imagine pregnant women and ladies experiencing menopause might understand. If you notice from the photos, the urine…

  • iPhone RunPee App Reviews – we’re brilliant!

    Tom Gromak of the Detroit News got his hands on our new iPhone RunPee download from iTunes. He neatly sums up why the the RunPee mobile app 1.0 version is so useful for cinematic movie-goers: “…I feared that using the site to plan ahead would allow me to see spoilers that might ruin the experience.…
