Tag: yoda
Star Wars Recipes – How to make Yoda’s Dagobah Stew
Dagobah stew! Breakfast of champions and Jedi Masters. Yoda’s apparently nasty-tasting stew is featured in Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back. We don’t actually know what Yoda had in his stew, based on the scene where he encourages Jedi apprentice Luke Skywalker to eat. One can guess there were lots of slimy creatures in…
Star Wars Revealed: Obi-Wan Kenobi is a lying liar who lies
I just finished a rewatch of every Star Wars movie in preparation for Rise of Skywalker, the last Star Wars entry chronicling the extended tribe of Skywalkers. But what happened to the Kenobis? (I still hold out “hope” that Rey is a Kenobi, somehow.) Well, we do know old Ben became a Force Ghost, although…