Tag: runpee mobile app
Alert Peetimes – How to Avoid Torture and Disturbing Scenes in Movies
A common request from users over the years is to help them avoid graphic scenes in movies that might disturb them. For years we tried to do the best we could to create Peetimes during scenes we found to be over the top, or really disturbing (as compared to the rest of the movie). Now…
RunPee Reviewed on You Tube (A Lot!)
We love seeing reviews of our fine and fun app on You Tube: We’ve Been Reviewed! We feel so grateful for the attention. RunPee is a small, family-run business. We see all the wide release movies each (and every) week, sit there with our clipboards and timers, to give you two or three times you can safely…
Apple rejects a long existing feature in the RunPee app
Bad news: Apple has rejected my update to the RunPee app, so the fix for the Timer notifications–that broke because of a change Apple made–won’t be available for about another week. On top of that Apple is forcing me to remove access to the IMDb movie information available in the app–that has been a feature…
Everything you need to know about the RunPee app
The RunPee app is primarily here to help you enjoy your movie going experience by telling you the best times to Run and Pee without missing anything important. The RunPee family – Dan, Jilly, Mom and Sis – see each wide release movie that comes out, on opening day. We watch for 3-5 minute spans…
RunPee.com : coming soon to a phone near you
By far the most requested feature I get is, “When will there be a RunPee app for my ???? phone?” Currently there are only apps for iPhone and Android phones. There is also m.RunPee.com which is a very simple HTML version of the website that should work on practically any mobile browser. It costs $1/year…
m.RunPee.com info
If you have registered for the mobile version of RunPee then the code will try to add a cookie so that you don’t have to login every time you visit. However, a lot of mobile browsers don’t work well with cookies. So I’m really sorry if you get prompted to login every time you visit…
iPhone RunPee App Reviews – we’re brilliant!
Tom Gromak of the Detroit News got his hands on our new iPhone RunPee download from iTunes. He neatly sums up why the the RunPee mobile app 1.0 version is so useful for cinematic movie-goers: “…I feared that using the site to plan ahead would allow me to see spoilers that might ruin the experience.…