The app that tells you the best time to run and pee during a movie without missing the best scenes.

100% free (donation supported) iPhone | Android

State of the RunPee – iPhone App is coming!

Please help promote the RunPee app by sharing our content.

Just one month ago, April 30th, we had a total of 9 visitors to Since then the traffic has skyrocketed. Our low traffic since we were noticed is just over 6,000+ daily visitors. In that time we’ve had two server crashes, a move to a new more robust/costly server and a half dozen traffic spikes that left the site crawling…but not down for the count.

The number that is the most amazing to me is: traffic is incoming from 2,541 different sources. I want to say a big thanks to everyone who posted about my site here. Never in my wildest dreams did I see this coming.

Now, next week I’m being interviewed by Robert Kovacik from KNBC here in LA. I’m not sure when it will air but I’m sure it will lead to another server crash. I try to look at is as a good thing. 🙂

——Content continues below——

The World’s Most Indispensable Movie App

The RunPee app tells you the best times to
run & pee during a movie
so you don't miss the best scenes.

As seen on

Download the RunPee app.
100% free (donation supported)

Get the RunPee app at the Google Play Store       Get the RunPee app at the Google Play Store

Read more about the RunPee app.

The iPhone app is coming!

The team building the iPhone app isn’t far enough along yet for me to give a precise release date but it will be measured in weeks I assure you. Most of it will be up to Apple and when they decide to let it pass onto the App Store. I’ll certainly get the message out as soon as it’s available.

But an iPhone app is useless if there aren’t enough high quality RunPeeTimes. To that end I am going to add features that will moderate the RunPeeTimes that you see so that we don’t get any of those of the “Just pee and then go home” variety. Plus you will be able to vote on the RunPeeTimes that you do see. So don’t forget to come back to the website after you see a movie and let others know which RunPeeTime you thought was the best to use. Remember, bladders are counting on you! 🙂

These new features will be in place when the iPhone app launches. Until then I’ll just have to clean up the RunPeeTimes the good old fashioned way, through the MySQL web interface. 🙁

Don’t miss your favorite movie moments because you have to pee or need a snack. Use the RunPee app (Android or iPhone) when you go to the movies. We have Peetimes for all wide release films every week, including Mickey 17, Captain America: Brave New World  and coming soon Novocaine, Snow White, A Working Man, A Minecraft Movie, The Accountant 2 and many others. We have literally thousands of Peetimes—from classic movies through today’s blockbusters. You can also keep up with movie news and reviews on our blog, or by following us on Twitter @RunPee, or Discord, BlueSky. If there’s a new film out there, we’ve got your bladder covered.
Please help promote the RunPee app by sharing our content.


12 responses to “State of the RunPee – iPhone App is coming!”

  1. for all movie ‘goers’ :)~

  2. Dr. Lois Avatar
    Dr. Lois


    Good one!
    for WHEN you have to GO…RunPee

    makes it OK to order a drink at the movie.

  4. I read your interview on my daughter’s website – Nicole Dean – clicked on and laughed my butt off! I LOVE your sense of humor and reality! I am currently in the process of getting my own blog – Remarkable Wrinklies – monetized with the help of my brilliant and talented daughter’s help. “Remarkable Wrinklies” is the perfect place to hype your site! I’ll be doing so with gusto asap! The site is primarily for and about remarkable people doing remarkable things as we become “wrinklies.” Focus group 50+ so you know we gotta pee! Thanks for the informative and entertaining website. I will be sure to click on next time I go to the movies! Thank you! 🙂

    1. @Patti, thanks so much. Yes, I have definitely noticed that as I get older I can’t hold it as long. Best of fortune to you with your new blog. Pop back here and comment all you want. The links will always be ‘do follow’ so you’ll be getting a link back to your blog when you post here.

  5. @polyGeek: I’ll go yell at the guys at @DeafCode to get shakin’ (not like Pee Wee Herman!) to get a RunPee button in results. As soon as they do, I’ll update The Telegraph Hearing Blog entry on your services, which will push the post to the top of the pile again.

    RunPee on CaptionFish: Because deaf people pee just the rest of you!

    Dan Schwartz
    @Hi_Dan on Twitter
    Your host of The Telegraph Hearing Blog (London)

    1. @Dan Schwartz, Thanks! You’re right. We all need to pee.

  6. Funny Tweet addressed to me from @BarackBorat

    @BarackBorat: @Dan_Schwartz I am most definite talk to @RunPee. Save bladder during long MovieFilm is biggest Kazakh public health advance!

  7. Have you written Web services for Run Pee. I would like to write a windows Mobile application for it. I just need to get the list of movies the list of pee times length of the pee and the text that says what you are missing. I wanted to write the IPhone App but I see you are. That should make you some money to pay for those tires.

    1. @Dave, There will certainly be a Windows mobile app. As I’ve learned in the past few weeks the problem is that if there is a public API then how do I make any money off of it? Because the website itself will probably never make all that much since the most compelling use-case is mobile.

  8. @polyGeek
    I think Iphone is the best story for making money. People with Iphones or Itouch can download the app for a buck from the app store the great thing is 1000’s will do it. It’s less likely for the folks with Smart Phones and Black Berries since it’s not as easy and a different demographic. However I can’t fault your logic. Looking forward to the Windows mobile version. Good Luck.

    1. @Dave, thanks. I agree. I think the iPhone version will be a good seller. I’m hopeful that the Blackberry will be as well. And I think Blackberries have outsold iPhones over the past few years. So while the Blackberry demographic may not be as inclined to buy the app there are more of them. Time will tell.

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