“Monster Summer” is a delightful family movie that captivates kids aged 9 to 14 without being overly scary for younger audience members. The film features a talented group of young actors who shine throughout their adventure. Mel Gibson delivers a standout performance as a retired detective, guiding the curious Noah in uncovering the secrets of the witch. The plot is engaging and filled with humor, making it an enjoyable watch for the whole family. The balance of mystery and lightheartedness ensures that viewers remain entertained without fear. A perfect pick for a fun family movie night!
Grade: B
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About The Peetimes: This is a very short movie. I found 2 Peetimes for you to choose from, these should make you through quite nicely.
There are extra scenes during, or after, the end credits of Monster Summer.
Rated: (PG-13) NA
Genres: Adventure, Horror, Mystery
Starring: Lorraine Bracco, Mel Gibson, Mason Thames
Director: David Henrie
What people are saying
about the RunPee app.
September 23, 2023
This app is the best wingman for a movie goer, especially when you have to go. It even has a vibrating timer that is spot on for those ‘go times’ some of us need! There are many other features that are wonderful. It even lets you know when the kill scenes are coming up for the people and animals for those who may have sensitivities to that type of content. The staff go above and beyond!
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Writer(s): Bryan Schulz, Cornelius Uliano
Language: English
Country: United States
When his best friend mysteriously vanishes, a local boy suspects that a supernatural entity may be hunting down the kids of Martha’s Vineyard. With the help of an aging detective, they discover a path to a recently retired witch on the island.
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