“Conclave” is a riveting drama that delves deep into the high-stakes world of selecting a new Pope, showcasing an extraordinary performance by its remarkable cast. Ralph Fiennes shines as the conflicted Cardinal, bringing a depth of emotion and complexity to his character that resonates throughout the film. John Lithgow excels as a cunning power player, his commanding presence perfectly capturing the intricate political maneuvering within the Catholic Church. Meanwhile, Stanley Tucci delivers a masterful performance, blending charisma and sharp wit, which elevates the tension among the Cardinals as they engage in back-stabbing and intrigue.
The chemistry among Fiennes, Lithgow, and Tucci is palpable, making their interactions both compelling and believable. The screenplay masterfully interweaves moments of suspense with human drama, revealing the personal stakes behind the Vatican’s ornate walls. “Conclave” is a captivating exploration of faith, ambition, and betrayal that keeps audiences on the edge of their seats.
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Grade: A
About The Peetimes: The 2 Peetimes I submitted will work quite well. I’m confident they will not leave you in the dark.
There are no extra scenes during, or after, the end credits of Conclave.
Rated: | (PG) Thematic Material and Smoking |
Genres: | Thriller |
Starring: | Ralph Fiennes, Stanley Tucci, John Lithgow |
Director: | Edward Berger |
Writer(s): | Peter Straughan, Robert Harris |
Language: | English |
Country: | United Kingdom, United States |
When Cardinal Lawrence is tasked with leading one of the world’s most secretive and ancient events, selecting a new Pope, he finds himself at the center of a conspiracy that could shake the very foundation of The Church.
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