When you are a student, there are certainly times you feel overwhelmed and lack motivation to complete your assigned learning. Textbooks feel heavier, workload seems unmanageable and the whole experience overall looks just too heavy on you. On such occasions you need some help to go further and find your motivation once again. Such can be provided by student movies. Those are a great aid to release some stress and get inspired to continue with your classes. So, let’s see some of them.
Good Will Hunting
When talking about motivational movies, we cannot help but think of Good Will Hunting. This is a really inspirational one that can have a profound impact on the viewers. It features Matt Damon in the role of Will Hunting. The character is 20-year-old mathematical prodigy. But life doesn’t come easy at him. He’s had a tough past and he’s now inclined to engage in street fights. There’s been multiple collisions with the law. Will has had been an underachiever who starts therapy sessions. In those we can see lots of inspiration, motivation, and how one can turn their life around.
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Dead Poets Society
If you are looking for movies that motivate you to study, look no further. Dead Poets Society, starring Robin Williams as the teacher John Keating, shows a different way of thinking about life and studying. John Keating is an English teacher with quite unconventional methods. He’s working in Welton Academy and tries to help his student find their way through life and navigate their passions, glories, and failures. There are plenty of emotional scenes, there is a lot of recognition for him from his students. The movie is both inspirational and sad, and can teach you a lot about life in general and studying, in particular.
School of Rock
A classical movie in the genre of movies about studying. It consists of the storyline of transforming a class of unhappy children born in upper-class families into rock masters. A great movie that doesn’t come with too much success but it does succeed in showing us how education can bring about inspiration in students. The teacher, Jack Black, applies the power of the song and tries to make his students better through helping them achieve a change in their views, lives, and desires.
The History Boys
Turning into another inspiration study motivation, we now see The History Boys. It features a class of unruly boys who are participating in a class that is focused on getting them into Cambridge or Oxford. Their two eccentric teachers help them navigate through this process. Although there are definitely some parts that make us sad or sorry about both the boys, and the teachers, we can truly see how they develop as people and learn that they need to be who they really are.
A Beautiful Mind
Maybe you’ve ordered of essaypro.com and you’ve seen some really good pieces on mathematics, academia, or other educational spheres. You’ve probably realized that life in those areas can be quite hard. Yes, it indeed can be. A Beautiful Mind features Tom, an individual with quite a high intelligence, whose life turns into pieces. Navigating through his mental illness, Tom tries to fight with himself and his imaginary enemies. The movie is also a great inspiration to all of those who suffer from some sort of mental disease. It shows the distress that is caused by the disorder but it also provides inspiration in the regard that anyone can get better and that there is always hope at the end of the tunnel.
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Stephen Hawking – one of the greatest minds of our time. We’ve all been inspired in one way or another by this genius person who kept going and turned into one of the greatest physicists even despite his physical disability. The Theory of Everything follows the personal story of Stephen Hawking while he is a student at university. It’s exactly there where he starts to develop his motor neuron disease that will later leave him paralyzed. Here we see how he conquers his fate and continues forward to prove that mind can achieve great things even if our bodies fail us.
Freedom Writers
If you watch Freedom Writers, we guarantee you’d be quite inspired in the end. It features Hilary Swank as the teacher Erin Gruwell. The teacher who applies unique methods to help underachieving children head to the top of their academic abilities. The movie shows the passion, shows how life can turn around, and how much education and our interactions with each other and our teachers can help us be the best versions of ourselves.
If you are in college or high school, there are definitely lots of things to stress about. Sometimes, for instance, we have no time to write our assignments. In such scenarios we might look for reviews of college writing services to help us out. Those services are proving to be beneficial for students who are struggling to complete their writing assignments.
Other times, though, our struggles lie in lacking motivation. If we don’t have the inspiration to study, we might find ourselves in quite deep waters, wondering how are we going to handle everything. Such occasions are frequent in the college environment. If you ever find yourself in that unmotivated place where you don’t know if you want to continue, then some inspirational study movies can help you a lot.
So, we tried to give you our best picks on motivational movies for studying. They each have their own pros and cons when it comes to storyline, acting, design, etc. But every single one of them is a top movie when you need to set yourself on the journey towards finding your motivation once again. When you feel down, just relax and put on a movie to inspire you. Then you can take some deep breaths, focus on yourself for a while, then keep on going on the path towards getting what you want from life. Education inspiration movies are certainly a helping hand in troublesome times. So, we hope our selection is going to help you out if you ever feel stuck.
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