Category: Animated
Movie Review – Minions
Another outstanding movie in the Despicable franchise. Heads up parents: you’re going to laugh right along with the kiddies, and even when the kiddies aren’t laughing. The sound track for Minions is right out of the 60’s and heavy on The Beatles, so even grandparents will be entertained. I liked the story, which is actually…
Movie Review – Inside Out
When Disney/Pixar releases a new animated film, people notice. Especially if their name is mom or dad. So, when trailers for Inside Out started floating around the inter webs, there was a collective “yippee” in the minds of thousands of parents everywhere. Chance are, that “yippee” came from the mouth of one inner voice –…
Movie Review – The LEGO Movie
Do you like Legos? Did you have any idea a movie about LEGOS would be so much fun? The Lego Movie was cute, charming and funny. There’s a great cast of voices, and lots of action. Kids will enjoy this movie, and the parents, especially dads, will be eager to get home and head for…
Movie Review – Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2
Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs 2 picks up where the 2009 movie left off — but even if you didn’t see the first movie you’re not going to be lost. It’s still a movie all about big food and little food roaming the countryside, being either very bad or very good. The animation was…
Movie Review – Turbo – Faster & Funnier Than a Snail’s Pace
Turbo was a charming little movie about dreams and perseverance. There was lots of laughter from the children in the audience, and more than a few chuckles from the parents. The characters were cute and interesting. Samuel Jackson, as the voice of Whiplash, and Paul Giamatti, as the brother Chet, were outstanding. The plot was…
Movie Review – Smurfs 2
Smurfs 2 was super cute. I think it was better than the first one by a long shot. This one kept me entertained the whole time. Don’t tell my boss, but I fell asleep during the first one. The thing that made this one better is all the lines that will totally go over kids…
Movie Review – The Croods – Enough Fun and Humor for Adults Too
This is a smart, funny, and colorful movie about a clan of cave people who must travel to unknown territory after their cave was destroyed by plate tectonics. They meet up with a more evolved person — his forehead isn’t sloped — who introduces them to the prehistoric version of shoes, cell phones, sun glasses, and…
Movie Review – Rise of the Guardians – A Great Holiday Film About Jack Frost
A visually stunning movie that is destined to become a holiday classic, along with Rudolph and The Grinch. The overarching theme of The Rise of The Guardians revolves around Jack Frost finding his identity, and how important beliefs are in shaping reality. The importance of “finding your center” is explored by multiple characters. It’s a message…
Movie Review – How to Train Your Dragon (No Spoilers)
How to Train Your Dragon was a good solid kids movie the whole family can enjoy. There were a handful of fun action scenes that appeal to kids. I was surprised it had a PG rating instead of a G. The fighting scenes are very cartoonish: nothing more violent than a Bugs Bunny cartoon. The…