Tag: runpee behind the scenes
What’s New in the RunPee App Version 5.0 – Movie posters can can draw on, MCU Peetimes at a glance, and much more!
We slaved a while over this one, but we’re proud to present the latest update to the RunPee app. This version has a way to be creative and make personalized movie designs using your finger as a brush; an exclusive MCU film hub where RunPee collected every Peetime for ALL the 22 movies in the…
How RunPee Makes Memorable Cues For Peetimes & Movie Breaks
What do we mean by a Peetime Cue when we add them to the RunPee app? There takes a certain type of finesse and a small learning curve to using Peetimes properly. Over the years we’ve distilled it to a science. (Some would say it’s an art…) Contrary to what some might think, when the…