The app that tells you the best time to run and pee during a movie without missing the best scenes.

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The World’s Most Indispensable Movie App

The RunPee app tells you the best times to
run & pee during a movie
so you don't miss the best scenes.

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The video below shows an old version of the RunPee app.
The current app looks much better, but the features are the same.

Recent Movie Reviews

Nosferatu – What You Need To Know

I know it is a fact of film making that, when you can’t think of a new idea, why not just re-use an old one? I know the latter part of the twentieth century has been fertile territory for recent features but how about going back a bit further? Like to 1922?  Who is Nosferatu? […]

Movie Review – Kinds of Kindness

Make no mistake, this movie is not for the squeamish or meant for most audiences.  It is a surreal, dark comedy which might be best categorized in the psychological horror genre.  It runs the gamut as to what might disturb the movie-goer including murder, suicide, sexual assault, animal cruelty, cannibalism, etc.  As such, movie fans […]

Independent Film Review – The Devil Came Home

Cards on the table…I’m not a horror fan. To be honest though, that isn’t really a problem with The Devil Came Home. Because, while it is a horror film of the demonic possession sub-genre, it doesn’t bury itself in the interminable tropes that are usually present.  Let’s face it, that usually means all manner of […]

Independent Film Review – Jade

Yes…I, like many, went through my phase of consuming martial arts films at a phenomenal rate. It was relatively easy to get through the Bruce Lee films because he never made that many but Jackie Chan seemed to be churning out a new one every week! It wasn’t all Far Eastern fare though, Jean-Claude Van […]

Movie Review – The Exorcism

The Exorcism wasn’t exactly what I was hoping for but it wasn’t a complete let down. The acting was great but the pacing felt off. It moved slow and the build up didn’t blow up, it’s just kind of fizzled out. I love Russell Crow, he’s always great in these parts, he’s actually been doing […]

Movie Review – The Bikeriders

The Bikeriders starts off following Kathy (Jodie Comer) into the bar the club hangs out in. On a chance encounter, she meets up with Benny (Austin Butler) and it’s almost love at first sight. Kathy is a trip, she has such a screen presence that her style blew me away, and she almost hypnotized me […]

Theatre Review – Six Chick Flicks

One of the things that I love about going to the theatre is that you are never sure what you are going to see. There tends not to be any trailers like when you go and see a film so all you know is what it says on the flyers. Even with Shakespeare, there are […]

Independent Documentary Review – Super Seniors

Films are meant to alter your mood. Comedies make you feel amused, horrors make you unsettled, action films get your adrenaline running, and family films give you a warm fuzzy feeling. Occasionally though, there are films that you know are meant to get you feeling all warm and fuzzy but somehow manage to make you […]

Anything Extra

One of the favorite features of the RunPee app is to let you know if there is Anything Extra during the end credits. We don’t just give you a yes or no. If there are extras, we’ll tell you when they happen, but without spoiling the fun. 

Fall Guy-Anything Extra

Yes, there are extra scenes during, or after, the en d credits of Kinds of Kindness. View details and movie information…

No, there are not any extra scenes during, or after, the end credits of The Exorcism. View details and movie information…

Yes, there are extra scenes during, or after, the end credits of The Bikeriders. View details and movie information…

Yes, there are extra scenes during, or after, the end credits of Inside Out 2. View details and movie information…

No, there are not any extra scenes during, or after, the end credits of The Watchers. View details and movie information…
