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Category: List

  • The Best TV Series With Short Episodes

    The Best TV Series With Short Episodes

    In an era of content glut, shows are adapting to the needs of audiences and experimenting with short formats. Netflix, Amazon, and Hulu are creating series with short episodes themselves. And they are as thrilling as shows and movies that inspired those who created games similar to those located on this page. The length of…

  • Taking A Look At Mark Wahlberg’s Best Performances In Movies

    Taking A Look At Mark Wahlberg’s Best Performances In Movies

    Mark Wahlberg, often referred to as Marky Mark, is a Hollywood legend. He enjoyed an interesting rise to the top after starting out as a rapper before progressing into the acting world. And multiple award nominations later, Wahlberg found himself being invited to audition for some of the most prominent roles in movies, some of…

  • Best LGBTQ+ Books That Deserve a Movie Adaptation

    Best LGBTQ+ Books That Deserve a Movie Adaptation

    Numerous best-sellers and underrated books are asking to be made into movies. Therefore, if you have some free time, read these works of art and cross your fingers with us that they will be adapted. The One Woman by Laura May Read the story of the right person, wrong timing in the latest book by…

  • 5 Best tech movies that every programmer must watch

    5 Best tech movies that every programmer must watch

    Today more than ever, programmers are tasked with creating cutting-edge software for businesses. But what’s the best way to keep up with trends and learn new skills? Watching movies! Plenty of them in fact. Whether you’re a beginner programmer or a seasoned veteran, these five films will undoubtedly help you learn something new and expand…

  • The Best Roulette Movies in the History of Cinema

    The Best Roulette Movies in the History of Cinema

    Roulette is one of the most loved online and land-based casino games by players worldwide. So, how does this game work? It only takes a few ingredients to make it unique: a white ball and a table with at least 37 numbers in red and black. The croupier tosses the spinning ball around and around…

  • Top 5 Movies that Can Inspire Students to Study

    Top 5 Movies that Can Inspire Students to Study

    The academic process can sometimes be quite boring and monotonous. Not all students can maintain a high level of motivation throughout the year, and that’s okay. But let’s be honest: young people need a source of positive emotions. Some positive triggers should spur you to new academic achievements, and the right decision may be very…

  • Watch and Learn the World: The Best Movies for Students

    Watch and Learn the World: The Best Movies for Students

    Watching movies can help students relax and learn about the world in an easy and comfortable way. But what are the best movies for young minds? Discover the list of the best movies about students of all times below. Before Choosing A Movie Watching movies and TV series might often appear to be very addictive.…

  • Motivational Movies for Teachers: How to  Teach and Not Burn Out

    Motivational Movies for Teachers: How to Teach and Not Burn Out

    We all rely on movies to lift our spirits and mood while giving us hope for the future. So, if you are on the verge of burning out, try one of these films to ease your mind. School of Rock (2003) Funny, kind of ridiculous, and definitely inspiring, School of Rock tells a story of…

  • How to Write a Film Analysis Essay?

    How to Write a Film Analysis Essay?

    A film analysis essay writing is a type of academic task that professors may assign to find out what students think about the movie they have seen and to check their general understanding of the motion picture. In a nutshell, this essay is similar to a review.   To do a deep and comprehensive analysis,…

  • Top 10 Best Cannabis Movies to Watch with Friends

    Top 10 Best Cannabis Movies to Watch with Friends

    When it comes to entertaining, you have plenty of options. You can watch the game on TV, play games with friends, or maybe even go to dinner and catch a show in the town. However, sometimes you want to sit at home, have some snacks and drinks, and watch something that will not require additional…
